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Well I can go back to not giving a care about Seth Rollins again. Such a pity that was the follow up to what he did a few days ago. Rubbish promos followed by him doing another great job with the Serge Salinas gimmick.


Nice that Joe is on the main show. WWE probably won't use him correctly, but he deserves a run on the proper show after being a stand out in NXT for a while now.

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Jesus, Rollins moans like a twat, claims Steph fancies him and then threatens her kids. How in the fuck do they think that's how you write a babyface promo? He's such a waste of space, why the fuck did he look so cautious when he came out to brawl with Triple H too? he should have done his best Austin impression and walked down to the ring with a bit of purpose and attitude. Can't stand the lad.

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Rollins was decent when Joey Mercury was doing his security and he was curb stomping everyone and threatening to break peoples necks. He has been gash since mind. He has a case of the Dolph Zigglers in that you never believe the character he is playing, always just feels like he is trying too hard.

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At least Triple H honoured his hero Ric Flair last night with a rambling promo that made no sense. 

He still needs to start elbow dropping his jacket and bleeding profusely at every opportunity though.

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Easy fix, you have Joe beat the fuck out of Rollins and getting deliberately DQ'd, ostensibly softening up Rollins for Triple H, Rollins can get his heat back by playing the valiant babyface, refusing to stay down even when Triple H joins in after the match. Then you transition to Rollins vs Triple H and Joe spins off to another programme.

Yep. Joe on a mission to cause pain rather than win, ending in a no contest would leave both men strong and allow them to pick back up after Mania where they can trade wins for several months.

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I like Rollins, I certainly wouldnt say he has the Ziggler mid card stench. But you really saw the difference in a guy like him and a guy like Triple H. Both with similar style promos, both full of horrendous, cheesy lines but delivered so differently and with completely different convictions. A world apart.

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I liked Triple H repeatedly going "Seth FREAKIN Rollins". Absolute merkery. If I was to cut a promo on Rollins that would be my go to as well


Oh and Joe's Mania opponent? Will Sami Zayn do? Suits me

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I'm a big Seth Rollins fan, but he's been awful since he returned from the injury. It's partly his fault, his performances as a babyface have lacked serious conviction, but the booking of him has been even worse. Fuck me, they've booked him like DDP in 01. He was a heel though. The best thing that could happen to him was if the Shield were reformed, and I say that for all 3 former members who have been floundering for ages now.

Double Post

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I feel like apart from the booking and the getting comfortable after the injury which he can't be blamed for, AJ, a similar type of wrestler, rocked up this time last year and has just outclassed him from every perspective. In the ring, on the mic, face, heel.. Cunt just ain't AJ Styles.

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Other than SmackDown being the more popular show online and wanting every new wrestler to debut there, I don't see the logic behind Samoa Joe being needed there more than Raw. Raw is a three hour show with one credible heel in Braun Strowman, and once he starts getting beat, the magic will be gone. SmackDown is a two hour show with Styles, Miz and Corbin. Orton's moving back babyface again imminently I expect, but Bray Wyatt's ahead of Joe in the top guy queue there as well. There's a much clearer path to the top for a new baddie on the red show.


The problem I see on Raw is that they'd end up doing Finn Balor vs Samoa Joe yet again, though there should be a draft early summer that could prevent that..

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I'd seen on here that he'd been introduced on Raw tonight but not how. I've finally watched and my goodness, if you'll excuse the choice of words, that is one hell of a way to make an impact on your debut. I'm intrigued to see where it goes from here. Hopefully he kills Seth and has a decent opponent at Mania.

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