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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I got 75% of the way through and realised I was hating myself more with every word I read.


Pitco's is right, has to be crazyshady, he posts like he's trying to shoot. And why would you sign up to a wrestling forum if only to let everyone know how shite it is and how much you hate it? What a roaster.

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Fucking hell, you went to Uni? Was it for a gig or something?

Lolz. Yeah I got my masters and PhD in Russian at "a gig."

Great chat.

Is scotwizard any more interesting when typed in a Cyrillic alphabet? (That's the one, isn't it?)
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Read through the majority of it. The prediction WWE is done by 2020 is a humorous observation. If they can survive Vinces steroid trial, the abuse scandal, almost being run out of business by WCW among other forks in the road, then ratings declining a little doesn't even factor into the equation.


Granted they need strong ratings for the USA Network to keep them on board but their ads sales team is apparently one of the best in the industry. The move to PG really is ad sales motivated since they get Mattel et al on board. Going back to TV14 again will mean losing the family orientated brand advertisers. Plus WWE marketing towards children and families is much more lucrative. If TV14 was so profitable they'd never have switched back to PG. The Attitude Era audience eventually got tired of the product so they tuned out because there's only so much you can do to push the envelope. In hindsight some of the Attitude era stuff doesn't stand up well at all, especially the Ruthless Aggression stuff like Katie Vick which would even elicit a WTF Bro from Vince Russo. That stuff I guess with it being outside the box etc is akin to stuff on HBO but if people want to watch things like that they won't tune into WWE to see it.


IMO WWE changing and evolving into becoming more of a pro wrestling show is the smartest move they've made in a long time. You have a women's division where they can actually wrestle now and women's wrestlers who put on great matches. Crusierweights are back, tag teams are back to prominence, Miz has the old school heel Schtick down pat. NXT is tearing it up. WWE might be more indie than it used to be but I'd rather see wrestlers who can go than 20 hour monologues each week like it used to be.


I also thinking bringing back Bundy, Bret et al as supposed saviours makes no sense. If ratings are tanking so badly bringing in the legends is exactly what about 20 years ago fans were moaning about with WCW. A one off old school Raw is a cool nostalgia kick but every week? I think even the biggest old school fan would tune out.


Also if by chance USA ever does drop WWE I think they'd be a lot of networks who'd step in to bring them on board. Plus there's the WWE Network as a safety net, ticket sales, merchandise sales etc. If there is one promotion that might not be around by 2020 I think that would be TNA, WWE however will be a omnipresent force in pro wrestling for a long, long time to come. I'd say 99.9% of the members of the UKFF watch WWE or used to watch it and for many WWE is professional wrestling. Plus if WWE ceased to exist, I'd imagine it would set off a domino effect where a number of wrestling promotions would too. WWE isn't infallible but unlike WCW and ECW they aren't mismanaged, have a steady flow of income and a super loyal fanbase, plus they are resilient. Again if they survived the huge drop off in the 90s in popularity its plain sailing for them going forward.

Edited by Really Big Shoe
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Fucking hell, you went to Uni? Was it for a gig or something?

Lolz. Yeah I got my masters and PhD in Russian at "a gig."


Great chat.

A PhD in Russian? That's rare enough. Forgive me for being stupid, but surely once you've attained Masters status in Russian, what else is there left to learn? I always PhD's were for science type subjects...


Anyway, no one reads that guys shit all the way through do they?

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USA Network is paying $160 million a year for Raw, there's no way they could scrape that money back over 2 hours, they NEED those extra advert breaks. I'll tell you one thing, FOX certainly don't pay $160 million a year for their shows.

160 million isn't a bad deal for the TV network that's what about $1,000,000 per hour.


That's cheap to put it in context it gets you 1 hour (broadcast) of Gibbs but none of the rest of NCIS or half an hour of Sheldon on his own or 1/3 of an episode of Empire.

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Read through the majority of it. The prediction WWE is done by 2020 is a humorous observation. If they can survive Vinces steroid trial, the abuse scandal, almost being run out of business by WCW among other forks in the road, then ratings declining a little doesn't even factor into the equation.


Granted they need strong ratings for the USA Network to keep them on board but their ads sales team is apparently one of the best in the industry. The move to PG really is ad sales motivated since they get Mattel et al on board. Going back to TV14 again will mean losing the family orientated brand advertisers. Plus WWE marketing towards children and families is much more lucrative. If TV14 was so profitable they'd never have switched back to PG. The Attitude Era audience eventually got tired of the product so they tuned out because there's only so much you can do to push the envelope. In hindsight some of the Attitude era stuff doesn't stand up well at all, especially the Ruthless Aggression stuff like Katie Vick which would even elicit a WTF Bro from Vince Russo. That stuff I guess with it being outside the box etc is akin to stuff on HBO but if people want to watch things like that they won't tune into WWE to see it.


IMO WWE changing and evolving into becoming more of a pro wrestling show is the smartest move they've made in a long time. You have a women's division where they can actually wrestle now and women's wrestlers who put on great matches. Crusierweights are back, tag teams are back to prominence, Miz has the old school heel Schtick down pat. NXT is tearing it up. WWE might be more indie than it used to be but I'd rather see wrestlers who can go than 20 hour monologues each week like it used to be.


I also thinking bringing back Bundy, Bret et al as supposed saviours makes no sense. If ratings are tanking so badly bringing in the legends is exactly what about 20 years ago fans were moaning about with WCW. A one off old school Raw is a cool nostalgia kick but every week? I think even the biggest old school fan would tune out.


Also if by chance USA ever does drop WWE I think they'd be a lot of networks who'd step in to bring them on board. Plus there's the WWE Network as a safety net, ticket sales, merchandise sales etc. If there is one promotion that might not be around by 2020 I think that would be TNA, WWE however will be a omnipresent force in pro wrestling for a long, long time to come. I'd say 99.9% of the members of the UKFF watch WWE or used to watch it and for many WWE is professional wrestling. Plus if WWE ceased to exist, I'd imagine it would set off a domino effect where a number of wrestling promotions would too. WWE isn't infallible but unlike WCW and ECW they aren't mismanaged, have a steady flow of income and a super loyal fanbase, plus they are resilient. Again if they survived the huge drop off in the 90s in popularity its plain sailing for them going forward.

Don't you start

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I never said it wasn't good money they were getting. It's damn good money but are USA Network making that money back?



Far more money to be made on the likes of NCIS and Big Bang Theory. Walking Dead is on basic cable just like Raw and it's going between 10 and 17 million viewers. So on one hand the wrestling fans want to spin this jargon of people don't watch TV anymore and they watch in other ways when the truth of the matter is other shows on Network TV and cable TV have viewers in the millions, some well over 10 million.And the other thing is, all those shows are put together by production companies, the TV channels don't really own those shows or produce them, many people do. The WWE is a standalone entity, the WWE pays for everything out of it's own pocket.


That's why I said WWE will never go out of business. They might not be on mainstream TV in a few years but they can still exist by being a touring company like The X Factor Tour and Dancing On Ice. Even without TV, the WWE would still be able to rent an arena for the night and sell enough tickets to cover the cost of the rent and pay the wrestlers a wage and pay the rest of the staffs flights and hotels. They could still exist that way just not on a big worldwide level.



And the PG thing has nothing to do with it. Granted there's no way any PG show should be on TV at that time of night. Adults should be watching TV after 9 not children and it is very much aimed at children. I did mention them making the show more about wrestling matches and you thought that was a good decision. Wrestling is very niche. Not many people are going to sit and watch wrestling matches because everyone knows it's fake and the belts mean nothing and no one really wins or loses, everyone is friends backstage, it's an act. The only people that are going to sit and watch that are real die hard wrestling fans and the thing is there's not many of them in the world. Take a look at the indy companies in America, take a look at the indy companies here in Britain. Look at the audiences they draw compared to other entertainment shows. Even the circus when they come to your town. Bands. Comedy shows. Theatre shows. Wrestling draws a small crowd because the only people that will pay to go and watch it are wrestling fans, the general public wont do it. Compare it to sport if you want, football, cricket, snooker, tennis, it's a small crowd in comparison. Wrestling has always had a hard time getting people who aren't fans involved because you have to overcome a lot of stigma and for many people it will not matter, they will never change their minds about wrestling or give it a chance.



When we look at the big boom periods of wrestling. These periods involved larger than life characters, you can't deny that, the 80s Golden Era and The Attitude Era, the early days of WCW Nitro. Go back and look at those shows and look at the star power. Everyone looks and acts like a star. I'm not saying they can't aim the show at a straight pro wrestling crowd but what I am saying is when you aim the show ONLY at wrestling fans, you alienate everyone else because what those eras did was prove that you can bring outsiders into wrestling, you can get men and women and kids to watch but you need to give them a reason to watch, you need to give them wrestlers that are over the top, you need scary people, you need the big guys, you need your blue collar guys, the guys that your Dad could sit and watch and happily watch them fight and pummel the other guy, you need the guys that are like showmen, the kind your Mum or sister would like. It really does need to be like a panto, like a big show, you have a bit of everything for everyone and most importantly you need stories. You need a reason for all these people to dislike each other.


The WWE has basic wrestlers. First name last name. Nearly everyone has a realistic name. They all wear boots and speedos. The men have beards and short hair. They just look like regular people and there are very few storylines. Everyone argues over belts. Very few matches last less than 5 minutes, they drag on and on. Now if you're a pure wrestling fan, you'll love all this. You'll love it to bits but if you're used to wrestling being a SHOW, at least for 30 years, you're gonna turn that on and turn it right off. The WWE are trying to play it like a sport and it's not, people are turning off. There's no doubt in my mind the reason people are tuning out in their droves is because the WWE is doing a 1970s wrestling product and the mass audience don't want that, they want a show. They want soap opera. They want violence. They want a laugh. It should be fun to watch and what the WWE are finding out is people in America aren't gonna sit and watch anything they put out. I don't know how far the numbers will fall but it's not getting higher, they're heading the wrong way. And to tie all that back to everything else, the WWE relies on paying customers, to cover the rent for the arenas, to cover the cost of the wrestlers wages, they need to put live shows on every week. Other TV shows don't and it's only natural to assume that if there are less eyeballs watching your show on TV then that will have a domino effect on everything else like house shows and merchandise sales. People might think ratings are old fashioned and out of date but TV shows still live and die by their ratings. Every year in America there are loads of new pilots and loads of shows cancelled, all by their ratings and with wrestling it's the only thing we have. It's the only way we can measure who is watching and when they're watching and what age group and sex is watching. It might not be accurate, it might not be perfect but it's all we have until they come out with something that is 100% accurate and I believe they have it, I believe they've had it for well over 10 years, they have chips in those boxes, believe me they know exactly what channel you're watching and at what time and for how long but until that stuff is made public all we have is Barb and NIelson.

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