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Braun Strowman is every shit, tall guy they've ever tried to push. He'll never get over. They're best just turning these jobber matches into something similar to Rodney Mack’s White Boy Challenge, eventually using it to get someone else over. In fact, since Goldberg is back in their good graces, I'd have no problem with Braun killing jobbers for the next few months, only for Goldberg to show up for the, "Thousand Dollar Challenge," and murder him. Maybe even do it at Wrestlemania, after Goldberg goes into the Hall of Fame the night before. That's the best they'll ever get out of Strowman.

It's not like he's some lanky streak of piss like Test or someone, man's filled the fuck out and if he raises his voice, pants will be shat. I'm willing to be patient with him! He's been a wrestler about a year in total so there's loads of time for improvement.

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I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it. Strowman reeks of Heidenreich or Kozlov or any other of those lost causes. You can plot out his career already. They'll push him for twelve months, maybe even put a belt on him, but one day they'll finally admit that he's shit and he'll eventually become a comedy character. Maybe form a tag team with a returning Hornswoggle in a couple of years. Strowman and the Smallman. It's a certainty.


Paul Heyman has become the new CM Punk, doing that really shitty, tiresome, "hey, I'm shooting!" thing. Thank god Orton showed up for that awesome RKO outta nowhere. It's brilliant that they're finally embracing the RKO meme. Hopefully we get weeks of Randy hitting RKOs in random, ridiculous places. I'd fucking explode if they shot an angle whenever Brock is expected to face the Nervada Atheletic Commision for his failed tests at UFC 200. Imagine if Orton RKO'd him as he was walking out or something. Awesome.

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I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it. Strowman reeks of Heidenreich or Kozlov or any other of those lost causes. You can plot out his career already. They'll push him for twelve months, maybe even put a belt on him, but one day they'll finally admit that he's shit and he'll eventually become a comedy character. Maybe form a tag team with a returning Hornswoggle in a couple of years. Strowman and the Smallman. It's a certainty.


Yeah. Strowman does look like a beast right now, but guaranteed he'll be doing bad goofy dancing to the fake laughter of the commentators in the next 12 months at most.


"The big man's having fun, Maggle!"

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I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it. Strowman reeks of Heidenreich or Kozlov or any other of those lost causes. You can plot out his career already. They'll push him for twelve months, maybe even put a belt on him, but one day they'll finally admit that he's shit and he'll eventually become a comedy character. Maybe form a tag team with a returning Hornswoggle in a couple of years. Strowman and the Smallman. It's a certainty.

They were totally obsessed with 7 footers in 04. Remember Heidy must have come in at basically the exact same time as Snitsky, Tomko & Luther Reigns, with loads of lads like Jindrak, Matt Morgan milling about on TV, then Batista got the Actual push and they all became surplus to requirement. Didn't see any of Kozlov but doesn't look like I missed much, his look is plain as fuck and the company was sleepwalking at this era. In this new era that they do seem to be making a proper effort with, and hardly anybody looking that level of imposing he stands a chance

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I don't give Jericho anywhere near enough credit each week. Unfair because I've given him plenty of shit over the years. He's consistently brilliant at the moment. His look is just heel gold. The horrendous goatee, the scarves, the tit job. He's fucking hilarious and still completely hate-able every week. I'm not entirely sure what the gimmick is. I think it's a hippy rocker who's got a shit load of money but has done too much E but is also the best wrestler in the world. Whatever it is, it's brilliant. I wouldn't mind him being the focal point of the show at the moment. Can't think of anyone better to hold that Raw belt until someone comes along to dethrone them at Mania.

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Jericho & Enzo are gold right now. I don't even mine Strowman squashing people every week, I'd take that over the usual shit they would do, such as Ziggler vs Corbin x 16 matches.


Not sure about Balor, they need to make sure they don't ruin him by letting him talk, I still think they need to turn him heel and stick him with Anderson & Gallows. He could then do the whole 'You may have been the brains behind the shield, but I'm the brains behind the club' or something to that effect.


Sasha is terrible on the mic, I don't really understand why she is so over as a face when she can't talk properly, her repeating what Enzo said reminded me of Only Fools & Horses episode when 'Gary' would keep saying 'Gary', only less funny of course as she was being serious. 

Overall though Raw was much more refreshing, where for the first hour or so you couldn't predict what was about to come.  

Edited by Briefcase
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What's impressive about Jericho is in lesser hands he could feel completely over-exposed right now, seeing as he's all over the show these days, but he's always excellent.


Jericho/Owens v Enzo/Cass will probably be the most entertaining segments on Raw every week. Owens and Jericho play off each other brilliantly and Enzo is eating anything they give him right now and shitting out bejeweled luxury yachts.

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Looks like they're going to let Reigns hang around the mid card for a while with a US title run.  Seems like poor Rusev is getting the shit end of the stick again.


I have to say I think Mark Henry serves no purpose in being an active wrestler these days.  It's about time he called it a day.

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The horrendous goatee, the scarves, the tit job.


The first two especially for me. I'm half expecting him to wear circle frame glasses, start drinking infused tea and reading poetry. He is making a tremendous transition from ageing rocker to middle-aged embarrassing hipster. I hope this is his intention and it continues, because he comes across as such a wonderful douche.

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 I think it's a hippy rocker who's got a shit load of money but has done too much E but is also the best wrestler in the world.

I love this description.


I see a lot of The Miz in him, personally. Maybe it's not intentional but it would make sense on a certain level since they've been D-list papped as drinking chums outside the ring since Miz started taking cues from Jericho's Bockwinkel 2008 shtick.


I love Braun! It's one of my favourite bits of Raw and even if he is a comedy gimmick in a year I say ride the year out with logical, no brainer months and months of awesome jobber matches. My housemates call him 'Jack From Tekken' and his music starts with him screaming his own first name. If the business doesn't need him I sure as hell do :glare: .

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punting a baby into the crowd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Cole rape, all day, every day


on the topic of Snitsky, i'm gutted i didn't catch his second run in ECW where he returned with a bald head and fucked up yellow teeth. Love a gimmick that basically boils down to "he is an ugly cunt", reminds me of lazily creating the maddest CAW possible on a smackdown game. i'm still sad that Marcus Louis got future endevour'd this year

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Being as yet unfamiliar with the new Raw theme outside of that irritating and factually inaccurate "it's 12:40" hook, I thought the opening highlights of last week's show were actually being blended into the intro, which struck me as a progressive and dynamic change to the format that I could really get behind in this New Era.


Then that music video ended and I still had to sit through the standard music video to announce the start of Raw.


Now that the idea's in my head I want to see them implement it, but I suspect the odds of that are at least 20/1.


Good show, though.

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