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After reading the announced main event for Fast Lane & the reaction to Reigns at the Rumble I can’t see them toughing it out & going for a Reigns win over Lesnar & Ambrose followed by another win over HHH at Mania. The mania crowd will be waiting with eggs for him. Have Lesnar win at FL setting up Mania as…



HHH vs Brock (Got a genuine big match feel. Wyatt can cost Lesnar the match setting up Bray/Brock for Summerslam. Doesn’t matter that Lesnar’s part time as Wyatt can carry the promo build on his own).


Reigns vs Ambrose w/ Rock special ref. Have Roman turn on The Rock as a last chance to make him interesting


AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens vs Kalisto -  IC Title 3 Way


Sasha Banks vs Charlotte - Womens Title


Taker vs Kane (Gotta be better than Strowman)


Uso’s vs New Day (something happens to Uso’s pre-match, Enzo & Cass surprise replacement)


Clusterfuck ladder match with everyone else.

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Except that the top billing has been done 3 times in high profile situations, yes that does happen but usually with lower level people in lower level positions. 


Unless they have something up their sleeve like Triple H dropping the title to Wyatt  or The Rock at Fast Lane (Yes I know everyone keeps saying he isnt wrestling before people chime in, this is a hypothetical example) to set up Brock vs Wyatt or The Rock at the big show they will certainly stick to Triple H vs Reigns. 


The big problem is this 3 way face triple threat match. I'm sure Ambrose is in there to take the fall but this as stated will be killer to reigns.


Hopefully they have something good in their pocket but I doubt it

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Apparently the nobheads in fancy dress had been moved prior to The Rocks arrival because people were getting annoyed by them being dicks and trying to steal focus. Crowd even booed when they were moved apparently.


If that's true, I bet the WWE were delighted when The Roxk engaged them.



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The rock interviewing those bellends at ringside made me chuckle with the line

"the weed is good in miami tonight" brilliant the rock as pointless as this segment was still entertains

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Christ I thought after TLC they'd solved the problems they had with Reigns but he's still getting mixed reactions leaning towards booing. To be honest I think they'd be best turning him heel and rebuilding him that way. Not gonna be good if he's booed again for the second year running in the Mania main event against who is supposed to be the biggest heel in the company.


I think Reigns as a face is dead. I'm not the biggest Ambrose fan but I think in the long run it would be better to have Dean win at fast lane and win the title at Mania. If Rock is gonna wrestle at Mania I'd do like Reigns, Rock and the Usos against the League of Nations. They can play up the family aspect of it. Reigns won't get booed as much and it protects Rock. Then the night after on Raw you have Reigns turn on Dean and that's the big story coming out of Mania.

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The Rock 'slut-shaming' Lana and Vince saying 'son-of-a-bitch' and then holding his own balls - ah, the 'Attitude-Era' was great, wasn't it?

Not entirely sure what Becky Lynch has or hasnt done but by God could they bury that poor girl more than they have over the past 2 nights?

Okay, so she lost a competitive match against the champion but selling Flair's jacket like it was Lt Drebin getting a pillow thrown in his face in The Naked Gun movies before being kicked out of the ring by Sasha like a piece of grabage and then, for all intents and purposes, losing to Sasha last night - she really is being made to look like a loser. Mind you, by WWE's current rationale of 'You just want them to...win?' (thankyou Road Dogg) we shouldn't be surprised.


I'll wait and see what, if anything, they pull out of the bag for Mania but with so few wrestlers that the audience gives even the slightest shit about, it could be decidedly average, sadly.

I hope I'm wrong though.


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Loved The Rock on Raw. I know previously he seemed out of touch but he seemed back to his classic best here, almost as if he did his own material and had some freedom with it. 


He pretty much saved Raw though, everything else was samish. 


Oh and Bo Rider was gold as well, said his lines better than Flo-Rida himself. 

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There were some really really awkward moments in that AJ/Jericho match. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing but I think we're seeing what it's like when someone has to learn the WWE style on the fly rather than spending an inordinate amount of time in developmental learning "where the cameras are".


Jericho was a good introductory opponent for that reason I think. Loads of time for AJ to work everyone else.

Edited by Benno
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Loved The Rock on Raw. I know previously he seemed out of touch but he seemed back to his classic best here, almost as if he did his own material and had some freedom with it. 


He pretty much saved Raw though, everything else was samish. 


Oh and Bo Rider was gold as well, said his lines better than Flo-Rida himself. 

I guess that's what's good about wrestling, different strokes for different folks. Your high points of Raw (Rock, Social Outcasts/ Flo Rida) were my absolute nadir's. I thought that Social Outcasts seg was horrible. Just awful.



Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Loved The Rock on Raw. I know previously he seemed out of touch but he seemed back to his classic best here, almost as if he did his own material and had some freedom with it. 


He pretty much saved Raw though, everything else was samish. 


Oh and Bo Rider was gold as well, said his lines better than Flo-Rida himself. 

I guess that's what's good about wrestling, different strokes for different folks. Your high points of Raw (Rock, Social Outcasts/ Flo Rida) were my absolute nadir's. I thought that Social Outcasts seg was horrible. Just awful.





Oh I hated Flo Rida. But I don't mind some light humour. I didn't even like The Rock on his last few visits but enjoyed him last night.


Maybe I found it funny because its one of the rare occasions I watched live and after watching the Rumble live I was seriously lacking sleep so maybe easily pleased.

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There were some really really awkward moments in that AJ/Jericho match. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing but I think we're seeing what it's like when someone has to learn the WWE style on the fly rather than spending an inordinate amount of time in developmental learning "where the cameras are".


Jericho was a good introductory opponent for that reason I think. Loads of time for AJ to work everyone else.


Yeah, there were a few moments when they lost each other in the ropes which made them both cautious and to slow down a wee bit. AJ was out of position for Jericho's top rope dropkick too. I'm sure he'll iron out these slight problems in a week or two. Jericho is definitely a safe pair of hands, and a decent enough name to start off with.  Might also lead to a heel turn for him, which I wouldn't be opposed to.


Great sell job by AJ in the lion tamer too, was pretty sure he was going to tap.

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I know pretty much everybody on here hates Byron Saxton but yet again, WWE don't do anything to make people think any differently about it. Owens cut him to ribbons the other week when he was on commentary, Rock just embarrassed the fuck out of him last night. If WWE is telling it's fans to think of him as a dickhead, why bother putting him out there?


Divas division has taken another nose dive as well. At the Rumble everything looked on the up, last night it was back to who cares. 


And finally, they built the whole Fast Lane main event on the premise that everybody was out to prove themselves on RAW. So they put a fella in that main event who didn't even show up on RAW. 

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