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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I thought the whole point of Social Outcasts was that together they were gonna string some wins together. Nope, fed to bafflingly face Big Show. How stupid is it to turn Show again?! You just know certain cities are gonna shout 'please retire' even louder now, and at this point I agree with them. He makes for a shite babyface anyway, even ignoring that he's been turned 8586336758 times. Also the Outcasts in their 3 week history, get a heel win over Ziggler, chase Wyatts out of the ring and stand tall in the ring with Ryback, job to the BFG. Are they gonna turn like every week or something?


Charlotte/Becky is good. Becky's interviews are really hit and miss but she was great on the mic this week.


Paige and Natalya are mates after the OMG who attacked Natalya?!? angle...fucking Total Divas


Henry/Truth/Titus/Neville v Stardust/Ascension/Breeze for most thrown together tag match of all time...was that.....for MLK day? Blacks do all the work, white gets the pin, I see


I can just about get over the shitty booking at this point and get behind Kalisto at the Rumble. Won't accept anything less than LoN interference a plenty and Kalisto overcoming it


Y2J was a twat obvs but his cartwheeling refereeing antics did crack me up. Got the crowd going and made him actually seem like a biggish deal. Not a big enough deal to pass himself off as one of the 3 favourites/any threat at all to Lesnar, surprised the crowd didn't start laughing. Ending pretty decent with the Wyatts. I wanna see an F5 to Strowman badly.

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I thought the whole point of Social Outcasts was that together they were gonna string some wins together. Nope, fed to bafflingly face Big Show. How stupid is it to turn Show again?! You just know certain cities are gonna shout 'please retire' even louder now, and at this point I agree with them. He makes for a shite babyface anyway, even ignoring that he's been turned 8586336758 times. Also the Outcasts in their 3 week history, get a heel win over Ziggler, chase Wyatts out of the ring and stand tall in the ring with Ryback, job to the BFG. Are they gonna turn like every week or something?


Charlotte/Becky is good. Becky's interviews are really hit and miss but she was great on the mic this week.


Paige and Natalya are mates after the OMG who attacked Natalya?!? angle...fucking Total Divas


Henry/Truth/Titus/Neville v Stardust/Ascension/Breeze for most thrown together tag match of all time...was that.....for MLK day? Blacks do all the work, white gets the pin, I see


I can just about get over the shitty booking at this point and get behind Kalisto at the Rumble. Won't accept anything less than LoN interference a plenty and Kalisto overcoming it


Y2J was a twat obvs but his cartwheeling refereeing antics did crack me up. Got the crowd going and made him actually seem like a biggish deal. Not a big enough deal to pass himself off as one of the 3 favourites/any threat at all to Lesnar, surprised the crowd didn't start laughing. Ending pretty decent with the Wyatts. I wanna see an F5 to Strowman badly.



In fairness I'm pretty sure it was revealed that Team BAD had attacked Natalya rather than Paige. I'm not 100% sure though.

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When everyone was fantasy booking interesting cards for Wrestlemania with people and matches they actually want to see, my immediate thought was they'd do what they always do in a crisis. Temporarily heat up Bray Wyatt.


Nailed on we're getting Wyatt/Lesnar and something shit like Sheamus/Taker to round out that card.


The scary thing is that it's not even a case of rounding out the card. Unless I'm missing something obvious, those would be the number two and three matches on the show.


I'm betting they really regret doing the Lesnar-Undertaker blowoff at Hell in a Cell now. That exact same match would have been a perfectly viable #2 match at WrestleMania both in terms of stature and match quality. 


I wouldn't be surprised if they just put everything into Reigns-HHH now and try to do it No DQ with Austin as ref (running off interference from the entire League of Nations) and Rock and Rouse in Reigns' corner to counter Vince and Stephanie.

Edited by JNLister
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When everyone was fantasy booking interesting cards for Wrestlemania with people and matches they actually want to see, my immediate thought was they'd do what they always do in a crisis. Temporarily heat up Bray Wyatt.

Nailed on we're getting Wyatt/Lesnar and something shit like Sheamus/Taker to round out that card.



The scary thing is that it's not even a case of rounding out the card. Unless I'm missing something obvious, those would be the number two and three matches on the show.


I'm betting they really regret doing the Lesnar-Undertaker blowoff at Hell in a Cell now. That exact same match would have been a perfectly viable #2 match at WrestleMania both in terms of stature and match quality. 


I wouldn't be surprised if they just put everything into Reigns-HHH now and try to do it No DQ with Austin as ref (running off interference from the entire League of Nations) and Rock and Rouse in Reigns' corner to counter Vince and Stephanie.

I'd like to think that they regret making zero superstars in the last five plus years more. They have only four wrestlers that seem capable of making a difference, and even then sometimes they don't. Cena, Lesnar, Taker and HHH. Those are the only four that I think are capable of lifting business metrics when used correctly. Not including the Rock for obvious reasons. And only one of them is, for now, full time but even he might be missing the show.


By now Reigns must be up there with with the very worst as far as the Raw numbers go. He's lucky he has all that hair because if it was Bryan or Ambrose etc that were pulling those numbers, then it would be their fault and they'd be dumped from the top faster than Benoit was. And the blame doesn't even lie with him. Reigns is a good wrestler and a good talker when not given the fucking dire scripted shit he's forced to recite. As many have said before, the chickens have came home to roost.

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Part of me just wants to see the Wyatt Family turn on Bray at the Rumble. All the beat downs recently have been them doing all the work then him having the scraps, surely Rowan being a genius, Harper being a former champion and Braun being a monster they'd realise the less they sacrifice for him the more success they'd have. Have them dominate, only those 4 in the ring and then circle on Bray.


At worst it could lead Bray to finding Sister Abigail (there was talk of introducing her) so that they can help him regain focus or something.


Yes, this idea may be complete shite, but I'd still rather see it than a show where Big Show is yet again turned face.

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If they didn't already do nearly the same story better a couple of years ago and if Roman Reigns wasn't very nearly buggered by WWE not knowing their audience, then Triple H v Roman Reigns could have been a classic. At the very least Triple H has been one of their most protected acts since beating poor Sting, so you imagine the moment Reigns wins will get a decent reaction. It's by no means shit, just could be so much better.


Also, I'm oddly looking forward to a brief Triple H title reign in the build.

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While there were not many positives this week, I did like Becky Lynch's entrance attire.



Becky has been great recently. True, the audiences never give a shit about her or her matches (or any women's matches). But as a viewer at home, I'm really enjoying her performance in her feud with Charlotte. And she's hot, which is always nice...

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Nothing heals, nothing grows. The only amusement left in Raw now is in seeing people try and invent new ways of phrasing their disdain for it. That obviously makes me a perturbed little shit who should grow up and stop paying it any bit of attention at all each week but some of us don't roll like that, obviously. It's true masochism. This show could very easily just flirt away in the background being unspectacular and profitable for the next few years now, continuing on it's name without the stars and stories it once had, not interesting enough to be watchable but know enough to exist seemingly forever. It's Coronation Street. Then again you could argue it's been like that for years already. There was almost always a few bright spots though. 


My reading of that lottery segment was that the first failed attempt to crack a ball open was a shoot and the rest were done to cover the tracks, so to speak? Stephanie looking at Vince almost with pity was cringe worthy. The commentators being silent throughout, not even bothering to get offended on Roman's behalf. The whole thing dragged on in the dark for an eternity like the wank you know you're too pissed to have. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Is everybody told to go out there and just embarrass and humiliate Byron Saxton? Owens cut him to ribbons last night and all it does is make WWE look stupid for hiring somebody that your entire fan base thinks is a dickhead because that is how you've told them to think about him. 

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Becky vs Charlotte is the only proper feud going into the rumble (Becky's been great on the mic last few weeks as well) the rest are just tired authority related angles or re/matches cobbled together to fill up time. Unless there's some good surprise entrants the Rumble match will be rubbish.


Plus, if Lesnar has to sell for mid card no hopers like the Wyatts all the way til Mania WWE will have managed to ruin they're only other proper star besides Cena

Edited by DCW
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So HHH/Reigns is it then? HHH should not have the title in 2016 and Reigns should not be about to drop the title. Again.

Trips is more over and a better worker than 95% of the roster so the first bit is bollocks. The second part, if done right and with the end goal in mind is fine.

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Was Vince unable to open the balls intentional ? Looked like they were doing that on the fly. Nobody seemed to care anyway, the crowd had died and I was hoping the end would be the traditional pre Rumble RAW with everyone in the ring chucking each other over the top rope.


At least Becky v Charlotte has been built up into a decent looking match and hopefully Ambrose v Owens the same. 

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