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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Are Texans that daft that they can't chant in unison? At the start of the show, both Austin and Undertaker had the same chant going at three different speeds. Austin went Foley-eqsue with the cheap pop of "Dallas, Texas" three times in a about a 30 second promo. None of which really garnered any reaction. He tried throwing out most of his old catchphrases (which is something very few modern day wrestlers actually have, when in the good ol' days of the Attitude Era nearly everybody had one) which again didn't get the response they should have. The only bit that worked was the "What?" chant. 


Then he disappears. Taker arrives and takes his usual fortnight to get to the ring. His promo weren't anything special, nor was Heyman's. The tease of Lesnar getting in the ring at the end was a bit pointless to. Nothing new was added to the story. 


New Day against Dudleys and Cena was a fun opener like. New Day are boss and at least one of them should have a part to play in Cena losing the US Title. Big E beats him at Hell in a Cell with outside help from Woods and Kofi. Later in the night during the Tag Team match, Cena gets involved costing the Dudleys via DQ. Dudleys get a cob on, Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb off the ramp to the floor, Cena is written off WWE. 


BAD against Bellas was bad. If any WWE fan hasn't watched NXT, they'll have no idea why people fuss about Sasha, or any of the call ups for that matter. The main roster isn't allowing any of the new girls to really show their qualities. The only thing added, and it may not of even been intentional, was when Tamina was consoling Naiomi on the loss, Sasha did throw a nasty look their way. Maybe the start of her splitting away. Also one of the Bella lot hit one of their own and nobody really seemed to mention it.


HBK and Rollins should have been a lot better than it was. But it was actually shite. Also, why every time Shawn comes back do they feel the need to remind us he's best mates with Triple H. We already know that. And they go the route again of embarrassing their World Heavyweight champion. The fella who should be made to look as strong as possible is made to be a complete joke. His match was Ryback was ok for while it lasted, and the fact the champ picked up a clean victory was a nice change for him. But in the grand scheme of things, it meant nothing.


Second six man tag was essentially a way of tying in two different feuds (Barrett/Neville & Ziggler/Rusev) while adding two fellas they have to find a place for on the show (Sheamus & Cesaro). This could have been served better as a six man free for all to determine the number one contender for Cena's US Title or who gets the number 30 spot in the Rumble even. Then let them brag about it for the next three months. It makes a match mean something if there's something at the end of it. Just tossing it together makes fan not give a shit, even when it's an enjoyable match like this one was.


Flair and Reigns is best left to the fast forward button. I wouldn't press play for Charlotte against Brie Bella either, just keep it rolling.


Kevin Owens against Mark Henry was enjoyable enough for what is was, a chance for Owens to prove his dominance over somebody as established as Henry. I know he's not top-tier quality and is now seen as a joke, but beating Henry still holds some weight for Owens. Even this could have been a storyline for him, constantly going over former world champs. Henry, Ziggler, Swagger, Big Show, Miz, Jericho, Sheamus and maybe even a returning Daniel Bryan. (but he's feuding with Ryback so that's a non-starter)


Wyatts against Shield. Even some as big as that they manage to fuck up. Why would the Authority put their golden boy, just a week ahead of defending his world title, to join the two men who are supposed to hate him more than anybody? On top of that, he's going against the supposedly most dangerous stable in WWE today. And he's already wrestled once in the night. Match was sound but the logic to getting there makes your head hurt.

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If what I read is correct that Shawn said if he had a nickel for every guy that was meant to be the next him, he'd be a millionaire.... that means 20 million guys have been billed as the next him!


It was worse then that


He said BILLIONAIRE not Millionaire


I'm guessing he is already a Millionaire so he at least had some logic to saying Billionaire instead

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A much better Raw than most weeks, solely because the main event storyline was interesting. A lot of that interest was in what the fuck was going on with the weird "oh, Rowan's back" understated return and the missing Harper and Orton... But a lot of it was a Shield pseudo-reunion! It reminded me a bit of that period in 1998 where things would happen like The Rock deciding to be Austin's partner against Undertaker and Kane.


Michaels and especially Austin were a waste of time. There isn't a great deal you can do with Stone Cold on a show like this, he's not taking a beating from Kevin Owens or whoever. Michaels is usually up for getting battered, so I suppose you could have the Wyatts intimidate/attack him until Roman Reigns makes the save. But I prefer him setting up that main event.


The build for Undertaker vs Lesnar in the cell has been crap. It sells itself, to a degree, but they could at least have a go at adding to the appeal.

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Anytime they bring back some of the old legends, it's a pretty clear and desperate attempt to boost ratings without having to do any actual hard work but Raw last night has to be the laziest use of legends ever.


Austin and Flair were fucking wheeled out to introduce somebody else and disappear, aside from a nice pop for Austin it was utterly pointless. Shawn Michaels had slightly more to do but that still isn't saying much.


They've known for weeks that on this show they were going to have Austin, HBK, Flair, Brock, Taker and even John Cena for his last raw in a few months and that was the best they could come up with? Fucking rotten.

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I dislike the pop up power bomb and liked it even less on Henry. It exposes it too much as the opponent has to jump in the air to get into position and just looks far too unrealistic, especially with Henry. Are we really to believe Owens can grab under Marks pits and throw him into the air like a baby

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I'm not sure whether its because I've had a long day and am knackered but nothing from that Raw got me into the show at all.


It seemed like the show was re-written and they just went with it on the go. I'm sure Flair said he was hosting the last hour (or one of the commentators) yet it didn't come across like that during the show.


Anyway, nothing much to take from the show. Maybe the Shield Re-Union will tease/build towards mania but surely there is no way Reigns will win the rumble again and I can't see Ambrose winning it either. In actual fact the way the show is booked and written no one is strong enough to win it and be credible. 

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Raw rating down again this week to 2.21. Apparently it's a joint record ratings low with a Christmas Eve show in 2012. Lowest regular show since 1995 apparently. Very worrying for them.


The overall viewership was actually up slightly this week, so they haven't beaten the legitimate rating rock bottom yet.

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SmackDown spoiler, doesn't relate much to RAW but relates to the general discussion on this thread of WWE's direction as a company.



Tyler Breeze debuts on SmackDown and is hit with Summer Rae. This company has no idea what to do with anyone. I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?


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SmackDown spoiler, doesn't relate much to RAW but relates to the general discussion on this thread of WWE's direction as a company.



Tyler Breeze debuts on SmackDown and is hit with Summer Rae. This company has no idea what to do with anyone. I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?


She's a kiss of death. Awful in every respect, and I'd even say uglier than Bayley.

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On top of the legends appearing, I saw no advertising of these guys in the days leading up to Monday night.


Not even on last weeks show was there any mention of Austin, Michaels and Flair appearing, although the latter may not have had fans frothing from the mouth for appearing, so I doubt even advertising them would have produced a better rating, but logic might tell you they never gave themselves a chance to better the number.

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I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?




Rusev did. Tested the waters a bit, then ran some video packages and had him re-debut on Raw not longer after. Don't give up hope, they could do the same with Breeze


edit: So did The Ascension. Yeah, I know...


Edited by PunkStep
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On top of the legends appearing, I saw no advertising of these guys in the days leading up to Monday night.


Not even on last weeks show was there any mention of Austin, Michaels and Flair appearing, although the latter may not have had fans frothing from the mouth for appearing, so I doubt even advertising them would have produced a better rating, but logic might tell you they never gave themselves a chance to better the number.


I'm sure Michaels & Flair were advertised, Austin was initially advertised then it changed to the pod cast thing. But defo saw something advertised last week.


Of course with the ratings quite low it means nothing if no one tuned in to watch Raw anyway. 

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On top of the legends appearing, I saw no advertising of these guys in the days leading up to Monday night.


Not even on last weeks show was there any mention of Austin, Michaels and Flair appearing, although the latter may not have had fans frothing from the mouth for appearing, so I doubt even advertising them would have produced a better rating, but logic might tell you they never gave themselves a chance to better the number.


I'm sure Michaels & Flair were advertised, Austin was initially advertised then it changed to the pod cast thing. But defo saw something advertised last week.


Of course with the ratings quite low it means nothing if no one tuned in to watch Raw anyway.


There was a graphic shown at least twice last week with the four of them together "NEXT WEEK".

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