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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I don't want the Reigns/Wyatt feud to end any time soon. I love watching them two guys knock the absolute fuck out of eachother every week. That clothesline Bray gave Roman this week was brilliantly brutal. 


According the Brighton Centre website the 11th November house show there has Reigns/Wyatt along with Ambrose/Harper so possibly could mean the feud could be going a little longer but most probably doesn't mean anything at all!

Edited by extacy of farts
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Woods is pretty awful in the ring though.


That was the most memorable part of Raw for me, too. As I was watching it, I completely understood why he's the manager. He's been wrestling a long time now too, hasn't he? I'd still give him a good go on the house shows, but he's definitely best served on TV outside the ring with the trombone for now.


The Kane/Rollins stuff is fine for a semi main event. It's the most interesting that Kane has been in a long time.


For some reason, the streams of Raw this week are absolute fucking shite and I've not the will for it, so I won't see the whole Reigns vs Wyatt match.


I was watching an interview with Scott Hall the other day, and he made a lot of sense about the divas revolution. He said it's necessary for the girls to take up more TV time to avoid burning out every combination of the guys. I'm all in favour of the divas stuff this week, for that reason. It seems like we've now got Bellas vs Charlotte, and Paige vs Natalya. Even if they're shite, the more time the girls are filling, the less time there is for WWE to turn everything decent on the roster into filler.


I like Ziggler and Ryback as a tag team, though I don't know if I'd commit to if I were in charge. I think it'd be very good for Ziggler, not sure about Ryback. He's got more potential as a singles wrestler.

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Lowest ratings since 1997, excluding a Christmas Eve show in 2012.


They made a point on the Wrestling Observer - who, when writing this show, saw it all on paper and went, "Yep, that's our way out of this horrible ratings slump"?


Part of me wonders if they decided to dial it down for this week so that when they have that big show in a couple weeks with Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin, they'll gain on ratings. Of course, that would be stupid because they would've already chased their viewers away. So I think it's almost certainly what happened.

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I honestly don't think they're going to try now until January. NFL has become so exciting these past few years, I think they're going to go into stasis waitiing for the season to end over New Year and go into Rumble build to get people back in from then. NFL is a fucking ratings juggernaut the past few seasons. 

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Over the past few years, winter WWE is usually pretty awful. They may occasionally try (like the Cena man servant stuff), but it usually feels like Vince has told everybody to save the good ideas until January. Mind that time their big hook for an entire Survivor Series was to see The Rock in his pants again, because they couldn't be arsed properly getting a heel team ready? That's winter WWE for me - only, for the most part, without somebody like The Rock.


It's why I appreciated TNA pre Hogan leaving, because when WWE were clearly in auto pilot, TNA would be trying their hardest for Bound For Glory. It was a good balance for a few years there, as it felt like TNA picked up the ball WWE left on the grass and ran with it for a bit.

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Was there another fan run in during the Wyatt v Reigns match? Reigns is in the corner, the crowd suddenly come alive and stare down the ramp. Wyatt takes a minute to have a look too. Tellingly Cole shuts up.

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For some reason, the streams of Raw this week are absolute fucking shite and I've not the will for it, so I won't see the whole Reigns vs Wyatt match.

Match was average. The big spot at the end is worth seeing. Sure there'll be a GIF somewhere.


I was watching an interview with Scott Hall the other day, and he made a lot of sense about the divas revolution. He said it's necessary for the girls to take up more TV time to avoid burning out every combination of the guys. I'm all in favour of the divas stuff this week, for that reason. It seems like we've now got Bellas vs Charlotte, and Paige vs Natalya. Even if they're shite, the more time the girls are filling, the less time there is for WWE to turn everything decent on the roster into filler.

That is a good point. Plus it means the show is an hour shorter in FF so everyone's a winner.
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Was there another fan run in during the Wyatt v Reigns match? Reigns is in the corner, the crowd suddenly come alive and stare down the ramp. Wyatt takes a minute to have a look too. Tellingly Cole shuts up.

According to a fan report the titantron had only been showing the Raw logo during matches up to that point.
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It might be more a point about the preceding weeks but I didn't think Raw was any worse this week than usual. In fact, the sheer goofiness of the Kane stuff - and a strong start and strong finish - probably lifted it above recent efforts.


The biggest problem for me is Rollins. He's being booked so weak that the world title is a joke. With a weak world champion, not programmed against Cena, there's no incentive to stick around and watch him.

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He's not weak. He's just being booked as the character should be - as a bit of a weasel. He's shown a nasty side from time to time but that's not how a guy like him can be presented all the time.


He's a cocky motormouth with an ego complex. I have no issue with the way he's being booked at all.

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Yeah, he loses a few too many matches for my liking including to US & IC champ, but he's not exactly Mysterio  level bad-looking champ. The utter uncertainty of his relationship with Trips & Steph is the biggest hindrance to taking him seriously, especially with that terribly written Sting promo a while back, giving away future plans.

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The worst thing about Rollins booking in recent weeks is that for someone who claimed to be the mastermind and the architect behind the mighty Shield group, he does a lot of walking up to HHH/Steph and saying "So what's your plan for the danger I'm in tonight, guys?". 


He comes across like a teenager going to Mum and Dad for help all the time, and their attitude towards him is like he's just a moaning pain in the arse that they have to constantly "look after". He's a grown man who is the World Champion of fighting, he should act like it and not like a whining boy. 

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Also everyone expects Seth to turn baby. Sure that suits his in-ring more, but how the hell do you make him look a face when I have much more creeping sympathy for Trips constantly having to deal with all his bullshit. And whether he's NXT's Heyman or not, I really don't wanna see face Triple H...at any point really, but particularly not now

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