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So you'd deactivate a title just to deactivate a title?


Well yeah. There's no need for two secondary titles.


I'd only bring back the Euro title for nostalgic reasons.



Changing the name of the US title isn't going to make it any more or less over though. Besides, with your scenario of Rusev having the US title, it makes more sense to keep it that way. The America hating Russian representing the US as it's champion, banging on about how the US finally has a real champion and so on.

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Changing the name of the US title isn't going to make it any more or less over though. 



It's something different though. I'm fed up of the US title.


A change is as good as a break.


And obviously I'm fully aware that my scenario would never materialise.

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What makes you fed up of the US title? Renaming it won't change it's place on the card or the people who fight over it. I never said that your scenario would happen either, I was only suggesting that it makes more sense having Rusev keep the US title.


I read this a lot online, there's so many people desperate for the European championship to return and replace the US title, like it's going to cause some sort of boom period or something.


It'll still be the lower-card title no matter what it's called. I'm not having a go at you or owt, just curious to know what difference the Euro title would make.

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What makes you fed up of the US title? Renaming it won't change it's place on the card or the people who fight over it. I never said that your scenario would happen either, I was only suggesting that it makes more sense having Rusev keep the US title.


I read this a lot online, there's so many people desperate for the European championship to return and replace the US title, like it's going to cause some sort of boom period or something.


It'll still be the lower-card title no matter what it's called. I'm not having a go at you or owt, just curious to know what difference the Euro title would make.


I said above that it's purely nostalgic on my part. I know most people won't share the same warm feeling that the Euro title gives me.


Anyway, I also said that they should eventually get rid of the Euro title too, I'd just like to see it given one last run for old times sake.


I just think two mid card titles is too many. I would rather they put more effort in developing meaningful feuds over the Intercontinental title.  

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Lance Storm changing the US title to thr Candian title drew some heat.


I think for true heat it would have to be renamed the Russian title, and if he were to employ a number of rules that tip the balance in his favour over and over, submissions only for example, and he holds the title for well over year defeating everyone that comes in his way, then it would be worth the name change

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I'd go even further and have him win it and re-name it the US-SR title, a reminder of glorious Soviet times. Lana could join them on commentary and whenever they said US title, she interjects with SR to keep it real.

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I hate Ziggler, going back to the last page. His Super Noodle hair, shite offence, and 80s pastels wind me up to the nth. He's a shit talker to. I really don't see anything in him past midcard fodder. He bumps big, that's about it.

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I can't understand why you see so many fans crying about Ziggler's treatment. Considering how little effort he has put into improving as a performer over the years, I think he's doing extremely well for himself to still be knocking about the secondary title scene. There are fuckloads of idiots out there that legitimately think he's world champion material. Also makes me laugh how many people you see coming out saying that his selling is amazing. Bumping and selling are not the same thing- working at a hundred miles an hour all the time means you're not selling anything. I don't think there is a more overrated performer in WWE than Dolph Ziggler.

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I'm not a fan of Ziggler at all either, I think he's complete garbage and hate everything about him, the stupid backwards belt wearing cunt! Being the only pro Cena guy in my circle of wrestling friends who are pro Ziggler/workrate isn't the most envious position to be in.


In Zigglers defence, he does do some good bumps I guess, but it's nullified by the fact that he does stupid and dangerous bumps for no reason. The one where Tensai chucked him over the announce table and nearly broke his neck springs to mind.

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I'm not a massive fan of his, but come on, he's not as bad as some of you are making out.  He's charismatic, he never really has a bad match, and he always looks like he's enjoying himself.  He's one of a handful that actually gets a response out of the crowd too which is nice.  He's a good midcarder.


Next Ric Flair though?  Nah.

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Yeah, I was sick of hearing how he was a future main eventer and was the sole voice in my group saying he wouldn't be. But he's fine as a midcard act. As Slapnut says, he's not as bad as is being made out.


I remember a Facebook status during a WWE PPV from someone I knew saying 'Dolph Ziggler - dare I say better than Shawn Michaels?' Fuck right off with that.

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