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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'll tell you what's going on, anymore live discussion and you get a suspension, that's what. Live discussion of shows has been against the rules here for about 5 years now, so there's no excuse. Don't do it again.

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I guess it shows the regard in which the titles are held now in WWE when a few months ago Paul Heyman called a unification match the 'last money match' left and now they're chucking it out in a couple of weeks. Utter desperation. I mean, there's clear logic in not wasting it on a show that sells itself but you'd think they'd have at least built it long enough so it actually felt like something more than a regular main event. The only thing it suggests to me is that they've got somebody lined up to return in the New Year to take up Cenas time and keep him busy at Mania, so he can't be in a unification match. That's the only thing I could think of, where they got some deal signed with someone and went 'shit, better wrap this up ASAP' as its the last PPV before Mania season starts.


In general, the whole WWE seems like its in pre-season mode with everyone just pissing about before the serious stuff starts.


The Shield are becoming a detriment to the show, in a way. They allow the company to not worry about creativity for 30 mins, when they can just chuck out a good multi man match each week.


And, unless they're going to run an uber ignorant story whereby Darren Young has given Titus the virus, how the fuck are we supposed to believe he is still sick a week after over eating?


But, yeah, not a bad show but plagued by all the stuff that WWE shows are plagued by. And, the lazy handicap booking seems to have leaked over onto PPV's. Great.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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A much better show that most recent 3 hour Raws, with the only real downers being Bad News Barrett and the whole Titus puking thing. I want to like the fact that Barrett's getting airtime and a character, but Jesus that was terrible. As for Titus, after seeing the Smackdown clip played, that tag match was the only time my attention waned during the show.


I like Kane's transformation into a corporate puppet. He nails the monotone, professional voice quite well. Guess it comes from Glenn Jacob's foray into American politics.


The crowd popped massive for the Roman Reigns/Big Show showdown- until Show clubbered him down in seconds. I was hoping they'd do a clash of the titans type deal.


PPV match announcements! TLC officially seems like a bigger deal than Survivor Series was.


Randy Orton seemed motivated and passionate for the first time since maybe Extreme Rules in his hometown. The last segment was pitch perfect, loved the promos and the physicality. Just, please, don't let the new title of the championship be, "The Unified Champion". It sounds shit. Undisputed WWE Champion is the way to go- there's a precedent and I really feel the WWE name should stay in the title.

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Shit show, but the Bray Wyatt promo was brilliant. That group could really get going if Bryan comes on board. You'd have a main event worker in the group (which sadly Bray isn't) to match the world class promo work and the two monsters. If they bring in Paige as sister Abigail, as some have suggested, this group would be quite a fantastic cast of characters.


The end segment should never have happened 2 weeks before the PPV. Thats a go home show angle. What can they do next week to sell the PPV?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The end segment should never have happened 2 weeks before the PPV. Thats a go home show angle. What can they do next week to sell the PPV?
As dumb as it sounds, I'm not sure that's the plan, as I guess it'll be a slammies show next week.
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And (being nitpicky) Cena was never undisputed WWE Champion. He won the WWE title long after the undisputed title was in existence. You'd think Triple H, of all people, would have a better handle on title lineage- he was the first World champion when the titles were split between brands.


Do you mean first WHC? Because I remember it was the angle of Lesnar being Undisputed/WWE champion and going to SD with Stephanie that triggered Bischoff announcing the new Big Gold and giving it straight to Trips.

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Much better show than last week, enjoyed the majority of it.


-- Loved the closing angle. As Ian said, it would've been much better suited for the "go home" show right before the PPV but it all depends on how they follow it up next week. Cena's promo was excellent and the resulting melee was great fun. Maybe having an Undisputed title match on a non-big four PPV isn't such a bad idea after all, for at least people will actually give some semblance of a shit about this PPV now. It'd be a terrible shame if they still went with a screwy belt-swap finish, but the actual match should be very, very good. TLC matches rarely disappoint, nor does John Cena.


-- Citizen Kane is fantastic. He comes across as such a suit & tie prick and exactly like the kind of middle management disciplinarian who'd make your blood boil in the workplace. I'd ditch his theme music now and possibly even change his name just to go full tilt with the corporate theme, but occasionally when he's goaded by the likes of CM Punk he gets angry and you see that his anger still lies beneath the suit and all that jazz. If you ever wanted to turn him face, all he has to do is go on a rampage again and you're sorted.


-- Amazingly, this PPV has already had a better build up than Survivor Series with FOUR matches being added to it on the show. Not so hard to do after all, it seems.


-- I liked Bryan vs Rowan a lot, and obviously Bray's promo afterwards. 6-man tag was also great. Check out Goldust leaping off the top with a Mysterio-esque hurracanrana as well! Brilliant.


-- Rest was hit and miss. Bad new Barrett might get better over time, divas tag was actually quite good for a change, Don't give a stuff about Kofi and the Miz or Brodus' heel turn angle though.

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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I really wanted to love Bad News Barrett, but it was pretty shit. Mainly because of a poor crowd, but also because it was pretty shit.

It's objectively no good, for sure, but when he said "and you're all constipated" followed by a solemn "thank you" and then the stamp on the screen, I laughed a lot.

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