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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I'd go as far to say he's responsible for all whispers, including the ones involving Varys too.

Maybe even the whispers from the trees in Lost as well.


I can't accept time travel reality altering with my swords and sorcery. It could well and truly jump the shark for me if this happens.

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I'm not usually a fan of the time paradoxes. I nearly stopped watching Lost because it was boring me to tears with it, but what they did last night was utterly captivating TV.


I'm happy to see how it plays out.

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I belive that someone was whispering to the mad king but I don't think it was Brann.


Maybe the red priestesses? They seem to love a good burning more than anyone and are certainly fanatical enough to mess with his head.


Might also help explain the mixed results on their visions.

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It's not really a paradox, it's just a reveal of how things have always been. Wylis became Hodor. He always became Hodor. He always became Hodor because of Bran. We're just now seeing why.

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It depends how you view time, and in a fantasy story it's tempting to view time as not all that linear once you introduce the ability to travel through it :)  But, yeah, it's a classic paradox but the ground is more wobbly here than usual.

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Yeah, agreed - but it throws some dumb stuff into the mix, like time travel, which I would have preferred they left out of GoT. It' sci-fi territory - I like both, don't like mixing the 2.


And yes, I understand the ridiculousness of questioning the credibility of time travel in a show like GoT, that has had everything else except time travel up to now. But still - l like what I like. There's enough complicated stuff to keep track of without adding this into the mix. I can't even keep track of the characters names FFS! Plus Bran is shit - if Tyrion has time traveled I might have loved it or made excuses for it.

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Well, I think the only thing saving it from being totally irredeemably shit for me is that no-one has actually physically time traveled, as such. I think that's the only aspect that makes it a bit more wobbly.


But I really hope we don't see much more of it.

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Anyone else thinking that The High Sparrow will do a Jesus and be resurrected after being killed?

I hope not - he's a smug cunt - would love to see his face smashed in with a rock or something - maybe by Jaime or Bron.

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Generally I prefer the political plotlines to the supernatural ones. Thus, last night's episode felt like shitty Lord of the Rings territory. 


Surely the first scene of the first episode should turn off anyone not into supernatural, where blokes get killed by the undead? We're balls deep into the dead coming back to life, witches and dragons by the end of S1, S6 is far too late to complain about all that jazz! :p

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