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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I wouldn't go as far as to call it 'the best ever' episode but I would call it the most dramatic! The music was amazing, really added to every scene, I hope it gets it's own special soundtrack release.


So it turns out that Cersei might just be the 'big bad', this is something we all kind of knew all along but still

I'm shocked at how many characters actually died, Margaery especially, I always wanted her to be one of the 'winners'. I think the Septa Unella's torture scene condemned me to Hell, I really enjoyed that scene. I think Sam's Library scene was visually impressive. Oh and that final scene


So much to take in, probably the best Finale of GOT

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Rewatching it now , loved it first time. Had fast forwarded a lot at the start to make sure I seen the while show, but this musics perfect

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That was absolutely incredible, two of the best episodes ever back to back. Just superb- so much tied up yet so much opened at the same time.


This episode has bumped series 6 up to the #2 position in the code (I don't think 4 will ever be topped) for me, and apart from a slow start (didn't think much of the first episode) it just grew in drama and stature. I think it's fair to say more important events happened in this episode than in any previous episode. By a fucking mile.


Well played producers. Hat tipped.

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That was a great episode, lots of unexpected bits but I'm glad the pace was quick, and I'm glad Jon's parentage is finally revealed though we all knew I guess. Nice to see Arya back and doing something interesting ☺


My boyfriend has just started watching GoT and is only on season 2, it's going to be hard to not let anything slip!

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