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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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My hunch is that it will start to get shit now. I definitely think it started to get pooey last series. I ain't even bothered if Jon Snow lives or dies. I can barely remember what else is going on in the show or where they are in comparison to the books any more. Still you can always guarantee plenty of tits and muff (and cock for the ladies and the poofs) with GoT so I'll probably tolerate another 4 seasons.  

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See, I reckon it could be to the benefit of the show to be free of the books.


They'll be able to set their own pace and regulate their own arcs.


The biggest weakness of last years season in particular was how crazy the pacing was. Some stories dragged on forever, others whizzed by at a crazy pace and you couldn't fathom how all the different stories supposedly existed within the same timeframe.

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Last year I think they struggled because they essentially had to squeeze the worst 3 books into one season. They did the best they could. Moving forward where they can just focus on the major story beats and ignore the endless sidetracks the later books take I think everything will be a lot more rounded.

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It was just things like how Tyrion had crossed half a continent, got kidnapped and then got taken across the other half of the continent and joined a monarchy in the time it took Stannis to finish a sentence.


But, again, like you say Gooshy, they were just racing through the books as best they could whilst trying to make an engaging TV show.

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Season 1 was the worst for me. By some way actually.


Last year had serious pacing issues, and was downright miserable at times but was still engaging and still progressed characters and stories in a way I enjoyed. Brienne/Pod, Jaime/Bronn and the stuff beyond the wall were all great and I enjoyed how The Faith Militant changed the dynamic in Kings Landing (though, how they jumped from 0-60 with the FM is one of the worst pacing crimes).


Series 1 was almost a campy pantomime at times.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I must admit I struggle to watch some of the first season, but then again its purpose is really to lay the foundation of what is to come, so I can accept that.


Last season had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Sandsnakes. Easily the biggest disappointment in the show to date!

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