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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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One thing I've noticed is that alot of people are talking about the horrific ending but to me seeing Dany and Jorah split up was almost as bad. Out of all the "good guys" they were the only two who had stuck together since the every first episode. Very sad to see them torn apart.

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Unless something changes Dany has lost IMO, She clearly lets her emotions get the better of her every time and it's going to be her eventual downfall.


On the subject of Oberyn maybe it's because I'm only on the first book and knew/know nothing of him but I honestly didn't give a toss is he lived or died and to be honest I found him to be an over confident arse. Brutal finish though absolutely brutal.


No idea where they are going with Baelish and Sansa but at least they are doing something interesting at this point.


Arya's reaction to Lyssa's death was pure gold. No fucking way are they killing The Hound from a fucking infection, honestly that would piss me off beyond any kind of reason.


Hope the Wild Army are wiped out fast, thick as pig shit the lot of them, I mean do they honestly believe that they have any chance of winning beyond The Wall? Jon Snow was bang on the money when he tried to warn what's her name a while back that they had no chance. Only thing they seem good at is hacking up unsuspecting and unarmed villagers.


As silly as it is I'm enjoying the Reek story line.

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Jon Snow was bang on the money when he tried to warn what's her name a while back that they had no chance.


Are you kidding me? Jon Snow knows nothing.


Not a Jon Snow fan (he's boring as fuck) but he's right about that one I reckon. Only thing the Wild lot have done so far is hack up a bunch of scrubs, only chance they have is if every fucker else tears each other apart first.


They don't seem to have any strategy outside of get past the wall and kill everyone they come across.

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  • Paid Members
Jon Snow was bang on the money when he tried to warn what's her name a while back that they had no chance.


Are you kidding me? Jon Snow knows nothing.


Not a Jon Snow fan (he's boring as fuck) but he's right about that one I reckon.


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I thought the Baelish thing at the end was him fantasising about being lord of the vale or the manor. Sansa dressed how he wanted her to be showed his mind is as wandering as his accent.

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Genuinely in love with this programme, haven't read the books so taking it as it comes. One major drawback to it all though is that I feel ambivalent to routing for characters now. It seems that there aren't any payoffs to back stories, Ned learns of the truth and meets his grisly end. Same for Robb (wasn't a fan of Robb, but you believed in his cause), and now the same of Oberyn.


if this were a concoction of wrestling story arcs, without the mentioned payoffs we would be shitting all over it.

It's engaging stuff, truly, but I fear throwing my support behind the next character in case they too fail to deliver. Of course, there are still three seasons left but of the current lot I don't see where the next leader comes from.

Daenyres (sp?), is neither here nor there with me. Jaime (and Tyrion) seem to be broken shells of the men they once were, understandably so. The rest I feel are either supporting players or downright dicks who I want to see fail.


The fact that Oberyn has such a valid reason to succeed at destroying those who made him suffer, leaves me upset that vengeance hasn't been served.


And honestly, I can't believe T.V can still do this to me!

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  • Awards Moderator

Fantastic 'angry commenter' review of this week's episode.


Just to warn anyone before they click, the review does refer to the preview trailer for next week's episode, so if you avoid spoilers to the extent you don't want to know what was in the trailer for next week's episode, don't click.

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I thought it was a bit cack that to be honest, just seemed somewhat formulaic for bog standard siege battle scenes.


I just wanted to go to Kingslanding whilst it was all going on. The Wall has languished in interest since Jon turned up.

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