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Pubs and off licences are closed here today because its holy Friday,so naturally my FB feed is full of 'rebels' posting selfies with cans of beer and mini bottles of wine in front of their annoying faces.Grown men and women in their 30's,tossers!

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The joys of living in a country that the Catholic church used to basically control!


Everyone just overstocks on drink the day before and gets more pissed then a usual Friday so its pointless really.Government are too afraid to change the law because the OAP's would go mad,and they vote.

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I've lived in Dublin through 2 easters now and didn't know that. I take it as evidence that I don't have a drinking problem after all.


It is ridiculous though. Same with later starting licensing on a Sunday and so on. Religion should play no part in law.

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Pretty stupid in this day and age all right,saw a good few confused tourists wandering round looking for an open pub on the way home this evening.Pretty shit for them if they're only over for the weekend.


Apparently you can drink in train stations/airports and social clubs if you have a valid ticket or are a member.Never been that desperate for a drink so haven't tried any of those though.

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Seeing as it's nearly St Georges day has anyone seen the inevitable "omg da muzlims want to ban are fleg?" posts yet? I probably won't see any as I seem to have deleted anyone who even looks like someone who would post that shit over the past year.

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  • Paid Members
Seeing as it's nearly St Georges day has anyone seen the inevitable "omg da muzlims want to ban are fleg?" posts yet? I probably won't see any as I seem to have deleted anyone who even looks like someone who would post that shit over the past year.

O goody my list will be full of them

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Has anyone else noticed a big increase in 'lad culture' on their Facebook? I seem to have friends liking what seem to be boobs of the day pages and jokes about anal and how stupid women are.


It's making a big resurgence with the 16-25 year olds in general. Have you heard of 'Dapper Laughs'? I hadn't until a few weeks ago when I read he was playing to massive crowds across the country despite having little media outside of twitter/vine.

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