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I have a girl on my Facebook friends list who is a full time mummy as her job and posts she's bored all day in the house and can only talk about her 4 year old girl.

That'll be because she's a full time mum, and her daughter is who she spends all her time with.


Would you be happier if she was always posting about who she'd palmed the kid off on and who she was at the pub with?

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The girl is unemployed but claims benefits and gets money from the ex so she isn't hard up.


Sorry? Do you understand how hard it actually is for a single parent to raise a child on benefits? Some of the press and the current government would make you believe it's a piece of piss but it really isn't. I'm sure she probably is a bit of an attention seeker given the rest of what you say she posts but I stil don't envy anyone who is in that position.



That would depend on how well off the kids dad is and how much he is paying her.


anyway the kid will old enough for school soon so she will be able to get a part time job during school time


The ex is a very well paid mechanic so she is getting very adequate child support payments.


How do you know what he earns? She's entitled to 15% of his net salary minus around 7% of that amount for each night he regularly his daughter overnight. I'm sure it helps with clothes and food but hardly enough to be living the high life.


Let's say he earns 25k net and keeps his daughter 2 nights per week. That would be about 60 quid odds per week, not an insignificant sum but with the cost of living rising so sharply it's also not extravagant. Obviously he could earn more and have his daughter less, I have no idea. Just worth pointing out that unemployed single mums don't quite have it as easy as you think.

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Can't get the direct link to the picture to work but this just appeared on my feed via a highlighted section of a letter appearing in a paper (Mail I'm looking at you)


With Britain expected to be flooded by Romanians after January 1, 2014, people should be aware of a door-to-door perfume selling scam that some Romanians in Spain have been operating. When you open the door they show you a bottle and ask you to sniff it. As you do so, you suddenly lose conciousness, and they then enter your house and steal whatever they can. They also approach people on quiet back streets to do the same, and as you pass our your handbag or wallet disappears. The substance in the bottle is thought to be burundanga, which causes disorientation, memory loss, hallucination and convulsions. This scam has been well publicised in Spanish newspapers to warn people. So Britons beware.


Nice to see the addition of "the business card drug" into this old one but it amazes me how people have gone decades without seeing the same old myths slightly rephrased in this day and age. I remember seeing this one before I'd left school (it was black guys in car parks at the time) and still they go around causing fear in those willing to believe anything they find on social media.

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According to idiots on facebook,the entire Romanian population over here drive white Ford Transits and rob entire houses when people are at work,paying for their dole money!


I still find it astonishing that proper grown up,supposedly well educated people can actually buy into shite like that.

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  • Paid Members
The girl is unemployed but claims benefits and gets money from the ex so she isn't hard up.


Sorry? Do you understand how hard it actually is for a single parent to raise a child on benefits? Some of the press and the current government would make you believe it's a piece of piss but it really isn't. I'm sure she probably is a bit of an attention seeker given the rest of what you say she posts but I stil don't envy anyone who is in that position.



That would depend on how well off the kids dad is and how much he is paying her.


anyway the kid will old enough for school soon so she will be able to get a part time job during school time


The ex is a very well paid mechanic so she is getting very adequate child support payments.


How do you know what he earns? She's entitled to 15% of his net salary minus around 7% of that amount for each night he regularly his daughter overnight. I'm sure it helps with clothes and food but hardly enough to be living the high life.


Let's say he earns 25k net and keeps his daughter 2 nights per week. That would be about 60 quid odds per week, not an insignificant sum but with the cost of living rising so sharply it's also not extravagant. Obviously he could earn more and have his daughter less, I have no idea. Just worth pointing out that unemployed single mums don't quite have it as easy as you think.

That's not quite right, my ex earns about

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Really? Could that be because they've had to put an order in place? I've heard that all charges are taken from the amount before it reaches the resident parent. So he could pay 50 quid a week but 20 goes towards charges?


I must admit I'm only going off the 1 conversation I had with the CSA where it was explained to me. I've always paid for my son and used their calculator to work it out and my ex then had a crazy spell and phoned them. I had to start paying an extra 3p per week. :bored:

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  • Paid Members
Really? Could that be because they've had to put an order in place? I've heard that all charges are taken from the amount before it reaches the resident parent. So he could pay 50 quid a week but 20 goes towards charges?


I must admit I'm only going off the 1 conversation I had with the CSA where it was explained to me. I've always paid for my son and used their calculator to work it out and my ex then had a crazy spell and phoned them. I had to start paying an extra 3p per week. :bored:

Nope, that was what he was supposed to pay before the court order too.

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I think there is a thin line here, i can understand how single mum stuggle, i know alot with disabled children and they are great people. On the other hand being two working parents is just as hard as paying for child care is a joke. The other side will always think the other is the lucky one.

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So, speaking of single mums, a girl I know got dumped last night because she had a glass of wine whilst pregnant. Her boyfriend put a big rant about it and tagged all her friends in it, and now they're leaping to her defence. Here's one such nugget of support from someone who appears to be mid-late twenties.



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