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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Am I being a complete mong, how is that raising awareness?

by spamming people? I'm not 100%.



There was on going around on twitter last year (I think it was) were some guy started one of these types of things on purpose to see how stupid people really are. It involved purposefully wetting yourself and then posting a picture of it twitter, with a random hashtag relating to whatever peeing yourself symbolises. Tons of people did it.


I think this has some info on it

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I was listening to the latest Richard Herring Leciester Square Theatre Podcast earlier (with Tony Robinson which was a fun listen by the way) and Tony made mention about growing a moustache for Movember. Which is grand and all, I've nothing against him doing do, but I then realised that no-one seems to be doing Movember this year, proving that this so called 'awareness cause' seems to have been nothing more than a passing fad the last couple of years, and if Robinson hadn't mentioned it here I wouldn't have made that observation

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Just seen the most depressing thing ever, it's actually made me sad.


People who use pictures of their kids as their profile pictures - annoying.


People who exclusively post screen grabs of FaceTime sessions with their kids - downright bloody heartbreaking.

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My aunt and her two kids got hit by a car on a crossing today (they're fine) and she posted a status update detailing it all ending with "thank you heavenly father for protecting us." If he was protecting you, surely you wouldn't have been hit in the first place.

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