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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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My FB seems to be full of this sort of thing.


So this girl that he really likes in school keeps putting him down and telling him how he's ugly and it's making him sad (he's even cried a few times)I told him I was going to put his picture up online and show him how many likes he can get to prove that he's not ugly and she's just a mean girl so can we please get likes for this handsome young man to show him he's not ugly : ) ‪#‎likesforaustin



Or the - I'm a teacher, let's show my class how quickly something can spread around the internet. Please share and like this.


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WARNING for all dog owners & Dogs carers. Read on....

With the snow and ice expected the roads may well be gritted, if you walk your dog on gritted roads/paths please make sure that their paws are washed either by walking them through a few puddles away from the gritted surfaces or by dipping their feet in fresh water once at home. Every year hundreds of pets throughout the country become seriously ill and in some cases die because of the rock salt and antifreeze being used during the cold snap. Dogs and cats walk through the substances left by gritters trying to clear roads and car drivers defrosting their windscreens and then licking them off their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis, while antifreeze contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethal when ingested.


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  • Paid Members

I take it all back. Facebook's worth it just for this picture of what happened when my five-year-old niece was allowed to use the Internet for the first time.



That's fucking awesome. Everyone should say please to Google. Otherwise they get told to fuck off and use Ask Jeeves.

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