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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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The Bay.


It's a mockumentary centred around a disaster that is being hushed up. I know these are ten a penny but Barry Levinson directed this and put it together really well. Elevated above the plethora of found footage type films around that meld into one.

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Ooh, good choice. I loved The Bay — had absolutely no expectations, and didn't realize it was by Barry Levinson till after I'd just chucked it on one day. Builds up beautifully, and I'd say that it's genuinely very unnerving.


Rewatched Horror Express for the umpteenth time yesterday — hadn't seen it in many years, though. It's just a lovely slab of continental horror-cheese, made many times better than it should be by the presence of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing; it's like a refuge from some of the terrible shite Hammer was turning out at that point, as their main franchises were largely knackered by 1972 (although Taste the Blood of Dracula from 1970 was blinding) and they were instead churning out teeth 'n' tits lezzie vampire movies, and sitcom adaptations. I wish I could erase the knowledge that Telly Savalas pops up late in the film, because there's a beautiful moment where this bald head turns around and you remember that he was in the credits, and you're internally (externally?) shouting "It's fucking Telly Savalas!"

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Was Pierce Brosnan a good James Bond? I keep on getting odd looks when I say he was a bit shit to Mum. Nobody can deny that "Die Another Day" was shit. Only one I liked from Brosnan was "World Is Not Enough". Thought that was a good one. I liked it probably because Robert Carlyle was trying to do his impression of a Roger Moore-era Bond villian.

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Brosnan has a bit of a loyal following in my experience. He's certainly a charismatic actor. GoldenEye is a good film and Tomorrow Never Dies has a cracking opening and a few interesting ideas.


A lot of people thought Bond was dead before GoldenEye and Brosnan kept it going. Post Bond he's been in some awful films but he's always pretty watchable.

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Pre-Bond he was in some awful films as well. I think "The Lawnmower Man" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" probably saved him from obscurity. or it would have been Shannon Tweed films for him.

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Pre-Bond he was in some awful films as well. I think "The Lawnmower Man" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" probably saved him from obscurity. or it would have been Shannon Tweed films for him.

Nah, Remington Steele had him set for life, yo.


He falls into the "Good Bond, shit films" category along with Daniel Craig for me.

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"Remington Steele" hardly ever gets shown over here. A bit odd. It's a bit shit anyway. Old Pierce must have been super pissed when they wouldn't allow him out his contract in 1987 to be Bond in "The Living Daylights".


Pierce got really old looking between "Goldeneye" and "Die Another Day" too. He looked ancient in "Die Another Day". Even Sir Roger Moore didn't age that much.


Hate the fecking "Remington Steele" theme as well. Sounds awful.

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I tried watching X Men Apocalypse again and turned it off as it’s essentially a prolonged Power Rangers episode. It’s really quite fucking shit.
I’d say Matthew Vaughan – after laying some decent groundwork with First Class – is disgusted that Singer Maze Runner’d the cunt.

I turned it off, and put on Caddyshack. Which was nice.

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I tried watching X Men Apocalypse again and turned it off as it’s essentially a prolonged Power Rangers episode. It’s really quite fucking shit.

I’d say Matthew Vaughan – after laying some decent groundwork with First Class – is disgusted that Singer Maze Runner’d the cunt.

I turned it off, and put on Caddyshack. Which was nice.


It's written by the same guys who wrote Last Stand and it shows. They just about got away with it on Days Of Future Past (Think Jane Goldman wrote the outline for that one before leaving the project with Vaughn) but the difference between them and First Class is massive.


Think it's pretty safe to say that Singer isn't the wonder kid that everyone was pitching him as as Usual Suspects. He's not made a good film since X2 13 years ago

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There were bits of Apocalypse I liked (the ancient Egyptian opening comes to mind) but there was some awful stuff in there. The Auschwitz scene was tasteless in the extreme, and the final third took Man Of Steel-esque city destruction to a whole new level, without a single consideration or moment taken by the heroes for what must have been tens of thousands of deaths.

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Love Pierce Brosnan. There's a warm, honest charm to him I find. I imagine he reads the nice Jesus bits in the Bible and eats massive plates of potatoes at a big wooden table. I won't have it that he wasn't a brilliant Bond. I'll go with what Keith said about him being a great Bond with some bad films to work with, even then it's only his second two in my book. Tomorrow Never Dies has a great opening, touchpad car, Elliot 'delicious' Carver with his face printed down the side of a building and Scooter as a henchman.

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