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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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He's had his name on a lot of shit, He's been quite lucky in that every few years something will make a bit of money (Transporter, Taken) and he'll get his name on the posters again with a 'from the makers of....' tag line. Looking at his IMDB hes made a lot of dog eggs. I didn't realise that the re-made D-13 with Paul Walker. I might have to check that out.

I never saw Lockout, I think I got about 20minutes into it and the disc was knackered and I never re-watched it.

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I haven't seen the Fifth Element since the flicks. Besides a scantily clad Jovovich, it never appealed to me and I've been a Gary Oldman fanatic for as long as I can remember.

Is it worth the rewatch now that I'm aged, do you reckon boss?

As far as fun, popcorn, screen saver for the brain flicks go, Lockout is up there among the best. Guy Pearce should really do wisebollocked, pumped up action hero roles more. He's a joy in it.

Just saw that Joseph Gilgun lad from Lockout is playing Cassidy in Preacher. That's some good bleedin casting right there.


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It's still good and worth a re-watch but its really not aged well, Everything about it screams 90's. Worth it for Oldman camping it up though.


How has Guy Pearce never broken through and become a full on star? He keeps popping up giving great performances in legit blockbusters and Oscar fodder and then hes straight back to straight to DVD, TV series and appearances on the Neighbours anniversary doc on Channel 5. It's baffling.

Edited by chokeout
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I think he's tremendous. One of my favourite actors.

I was watching the Neighbours documentary and I was thinking "Well fair play to the cunt, a big star like that and he'd no problem showing up for the documentary" and then my missus goes "I don't know him from anything but Mike in Neigbhours and some film where he's skinny!". So he's obviously of fuck all worth to the general public, which is a shame. A crying shame.

Have you seen Hateship Loveship? Himself and Wiig are world class in it. Kind of 'Blue Valentine' grim though.

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He's a cracking actor. LA Confidential is one of my favs, everyone is spot on in it, him especially, and we're not far off that being 20 years ago.

I've not seen Hateship Loveship. To be honest i try and avoid anything with Wiig in it, there's some thing about her that just boils my piss but having a quick read up on it and I think i'll give it a go.

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My wife has been bugging me for a few weeks to watch 'Fifty Shades of Grey' with her. She loved the books, watched the film at the cinema, and got the blu-ray on the day of release.


Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and I agreed to settle down and watch it, thinking those things combined should mean I'll be suitably rewarded afterwards.


The film was so, so boring. I didn't hate it, it just never got going.



She meets this guy, he asks her to agree to be his sex slave, she says I'll think about it, they fuck a few times, she continues to think about it, they try a bit of kinky stuff, she gets upset, credits.



And I didn't even get suitably rewarded.

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Problem with the "50 Shades of Grey" film is that there is absolutely no comedy. Everything is po-faced. Should have aimed for something like "Emmanuelles 3 to 5". Porn but with a bit of humour.

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My wife has been bugging me for a few weeks to watch 'Fifty Shades of Grey' with her. She loved the books, watched the film at the cinema, and got the blu-ray on the day of release.




And I didn't even get suitably rewarded.

I'm not surprised you didn't get rewarded considering how miserable the ending is. You should be glad she didn't throw her drink over you and proclaim all men to be bastards.


I only managed to keep myself interested in it by running a live commentary on FB.



Unfortunately one of the people responding has deactivated their account, so some of the replies have disappeared.

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The Legend of Barney Thomson. Really entertaining film. Much better than lukewarm critic reviews would have you believe. Laughed out loud several times. Ray Winstone, Bobby Carlyle and Emma Thompson on great form.

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Dracula Dead and Loving It.


I'm sure I watched it when it was new out on a knocked off VHS from down the market but I don't remember any of it.

It was dull and lacking on laughs, which is a shame given the potential in the story and cast.


It has made me hanker from The Producers, Young Frankenstein  and Blazing Saddles though, which I've also not watched for years but did love them way back when.

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We watched Lucy last night and I think it might seriously be one of the worst films I've ever seen - right up there with the Butterfly Effect.

Totally agree, while we are talking about The Butterfly Effect, I rewatched that a while ago and it had an alternative ending which was the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've seen in a long time. That film actually works far better as a comedy.

Back in the myspace days i always remember there'd be the section for favorite movies, and every fucker listed the Butterfly Effect. I never quite got it.
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Dracula Dead and Loving It.


I'm sure I watched it when it was new out on a knocked off VHS from down the market but I don't remember any of it.

It was dull and lacking on laughs, which is a shame given the potential in the story and cast.


It has made me hanker from The Producers, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles though, which I've also not watched for years but did love them way back when.

I absolutely rinsed my VHS copy of Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I thought it was hilarious. I haven't seen it in at least 15 years. I'm going to find it now. Cheers for the reminder!!!

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