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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I watched Tremors on Blu Ray last night as I couldn't sleep in this ridiculous heat. I hadn't watched it for years but it's still as great as ever. I'd forgotten how annoying that lad with the basketball is though. I was begging for him to be brutally murdered by the end.


"Way to go dudes!"




Yeah he's fucking annoying as are most the other townsfolk (except Chang and Burt). Tremors is a stone cold classic though. The type of film they just don't make these days.

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I've been slowly making my way through the Zatoichi boxset I bought at Christmas time. Watched 15 of them now, and despite there being little variety in story they're all bloody great. It's almost comforting sticking one on, as you know exactly what you're going to get - a blind man sticking up for the little guy and slashing up some bad dudes.

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Watched Video Nasties 2 earlier (I'd bought it in HMV last week), not seen the first one yet which I'm still trying to track down but this second documentary was superb if a little short (97 minutes) and continues on from the original talking about how the campaign against Video Nasties really stepped up after the James Bulger murder in 93 was blamed on Child's Play 3. It was quite shocking how fans of the films and some of the talking heads had to resort to using classified ads in fanzines or go abroad to buy VHS copies of the films, some even faced jail time and had their collections seized for daring to own such films and yet at the end of it it talks about how the head of the BBFC set forth a motion without permission but was later passed in court to legalise porn in this country and how it forced him to retire earlier than planned from his role, a year after which the ban on Video Nasties was upheld beginning with the release of the Exorcist


The whole set is fantastic as the second and third discs are crammed with mini reviews and trailers for the films on the section 3 list, totalling around 10 hours between the two, including Phantasm, the first two Friday the 13th films, Dawn of the Dead, Scanners and oddly the 1982 remake of The Thing

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Yeah, I bought the two of them off Amazon a few days ago and I've been plowing through it. First one (not seen the second one yet) is bloody excellent. Well worth a buy.


ADDED: Graham Bright MP was such a bellend wasn't he? He really thought people were killed in those video nasties. Mary Whitehouse looked fucking nasty too. Old bat.

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The Video Nasties DVDs are worth it for the trailers alone. I love all the introductions on there, I could listen to Kim Newman talk all day. What a snappy dresser.


Yeah Newman was what made some of the reviews worth watching on the second one, he has a column in either Empire or Total Film where he reviews 4-5 B movies every month

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Bit of a long shot but I don't suppose anyone on here would be able to help me out with a MUBI related issue?


I have an account with MUBI and have downloaded the app to work on my PS3 but don't seem to be able to link the two. Anyone know how I could?

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The Video Nasties DVDs are worth it for the trailers alone. I love all the introductions on there, I could listen to Kim Newman talk all day. What a snappy dresser.


Yeah Newman was what made some of the reviews worth watching on the second one, he has a column in either Empire or Total Film where he reviews 4-5 B movies every month



Empire! it's more like 10-20 and yeah he does other reviews too, only reason I keep subs up tbh

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The Video Nasties DVDs are worth it for the trailers alone. I love all the introductions on there, I could listen to Kim Newman talk all day. What a snappy dresser.


Yeah Newman was what made some of the reviews worth watching on the second one, he has a column in either Empire or Total Film where he reviews 4-5 B movies every month



Empire! it's more like 10-20 and yeah he does other reviews too, only reason I keep subs up tbh



Had a feeling it was Empire, nice one pat  :thumbsup:

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Bit of a long shot but I don't suppose anyone on here would be able to help me out with a MUBI related issue?


I have an account with MUBI and have downloaded the app to work on my PS3 but don't seem to be able to link the two. Anyone know how I could?

This is a few years old, but apparently the simple functionality to do so doesn't exist. A workaround I found on a forum:


I have various email accounts, so I had this linking problem too.

Managed to do a workaround though.

I logged in to my auto-generated PSN Mubi account online, and deactivated it, then logged in to my original account and changed the email address to the one I use on PSN, and verified it.

Then on the PS3, deleted the game data for Mubi and restarted it. The Mubi app then auto-links you to your original account (although it did still log in to my auto-generated account for a while – I assume it takes a short while for the server to fully deactivate an account).

Once that’s done, I just changed my email address back online, and the Mubi app still automatically logs in to it. Must be some magic PSN metadata behnd the scenes.


Hope this helps.

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Cheers Pitcos! I googled around for a few ways of fixing it involving changing email addresses and none of them seemed to work. I mainly asked because I figured it'd be ages before they replied to my enquiry but they got back to me a couple of hours later to get on the case. They're just merging the two accounts together or something. Dunno when they'll have that done but it's nice to have a company actually reply to an enquiry within a few hours. I should be less cynical.


Also nice for you to Google. Cheers again!

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I've become quite a fan of Mickey Rourke's 80s work. Just ordered "Prayer for the Dying", which is about an IRA guy turning against them. Is it any good? What other films from around that time should I be seeking out of his. Cheers!

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Yeah, "Angel Heart" is a good one that you should all get. Thoroughly creepy. "9 1/2 Weeks" is probably better than you think it would be too. Very stylish. Almost too stylish. It's more like an Eighties music video than a film.

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Second up was The Internship. Really enjoyed this, I'm a sucker for anything with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn and even when the material isn't particularly strong, I love their improvisational, loose, free flowing style.


There's the par for the course string of cameos, Will Ferrell cropping up as usual. He's a weird one for me, sure enough there's a few Ferrell movies I really enjoy, but if you'd have asked me back when I took my then girlfriend to watch Night at The Roxbury for our first date, who I thought would become the biggest star, I'd have said Chris Kattan all day long.


Was interesting to Wilson/Vaughn playing good guys for a change, instead of the usual sleazy womanisers and there were plenty of great caveman gags in there to amuse a technophobe like myself - I resonated a lot with the "say a lot whilst not saying much at all" style of contributing to something I know nothing about, but there's some really funny stuff in here like the Flashdance half time team talk, "GOLDBLUM" and the necrophile mobility scooter salesman.

Saw this last night. I liked it too. The Vaughan and Wilson characters were cool and the way they brought the team together was nice stuff. The backdrop of the Google building was the real winner though. What an awesome place.


The realism died when *spoiler* Wilson pulled that Aussie bird. Get to fuck. Not a chance. He could even have pulled that waitress. Ugly bastard! He's got a fantastic voice though. He's an awesome Lightning McQueen.


The ending was a bit much, I thought. Who gets the girl? Everybody!!

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