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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Robocop. The remake.

Deary, deary me. I wouldn't know where to start.


I liked it :blush:

Don't worry, you are not alone. I enjoyed it as an alternative (somewhat serious) approach to the Robocop ideas. Sure it is a different kind of movie to the original Robocop(s), but I liked it all the same. I had no problem with any of the characters or actors (or the acting), and I even found it to be a little dark at times for the 12A certificate (with the suicide bombers and when you see what is left of Murphy). It's not a great movie, but then (and I know I will be slaughtered on here for saying this) neither was the original.

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Don't worry, you are not alone. I enjoyed it as an alternative (somewhat serious) approach to the Robocop ideas. Sure it is a different kind of movie to the original Robocop(s), but I liked it all the same. I had no problem with any of the characters or actors (or the acting), and I even found it to be a little dark at times for the 12A certificate (with the suicide bombers and when you see what is left of Murphy). It's not a great movie, but then (and I know I will be slaughtered on here for saying this) neither was the original.


The original Robocop had a distinct undercurrent to it around the risks of big business, community and greed didn't it?

It's full of balls to the wall action, granted, but it had that background to it that made it work so well. If it took it too serious it's no fun, if its all fun why would I care. The original Robocop pitched a great balance.


It is genuinely one of my favourite films, and would say it really is a great film.


Does the remake pack itself to the gills with CGI effect sequences? That's one thing I hate about some modern action films. Now they can, they do and the result often ends up as more sizzle and less steak. The adverts I have seen look a good walk into shite territory.

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The Sting.


Well. What can I say. I have to admit it wasn't the film I was expecting. When my friend told me it was a good film, plus the praise it got on hear I thought I would go in blind. The name of the film made me think it was some kind of buddy cop sting operation film, which it obviously isn't. First impressions were it was like a film the Coen Brothers would do. It reminded me a little of Miller Crossing at first, so I was a bit apprehensive (sorry Gladders) but as it went on I got into it more. It was a really nice build up and didn't drag. A really nicely paced film. It was a little predictable, for example...


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

When the FBI were introduced my immediate thoughts were that these were all in on it and was part of the big con, though I wasn't entirely sure how at this stage. I have to admit that as it went on I was second guessing myself, but as soon as Hooker got shot and then Henry, I could not help but say to myself, 'brilliant'. As soon as Lonnegan and the cop were ushered out and all was revealed, I guess that was quite a big thing at the time.



I presume a lot of the more modern films have followed in it's footsteps so it isn't anything new like I guess it was at the time. However that didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


As far as Newman and Redford go, Redford was the star man for me. Newman was good but he just didn't have the presence he had like in Cool Hand Luke.


Overall, a million time better than Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.

Edited by Steve Justice
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I went in with people saying 'It's not actually bad' ringing in my earholes.

It's fucking dreadful and is completely devoid of humour, satire and any kind of intelligence whatsoever. Jacksons character is absolutely awful, as is Keaton's "villain".

I will say, that Kinneman chap played the part well enough though, given the material he had to work with, but all in all, a worthless, pointless remake that's almost as painful to watch as Total Recall.


I meant to tack on to this yesterday, i was stranded in London on Friday and decided to go along and watch this.


** Following comments may contain spoilers. **


Suffice to say it has absolutely none of the original

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Thanks for watching it so I don't have to, Matrix. Out of interest, I presume the Total Recall remake was also utter pish?


The Total Recall remake is a charmless piece of shit. People really should stop remaking Paul Verhoven films.

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I'm not having the greatest run with movies lately. I actually have a lot of time for W.S after Event Horizon and I did enjoy Death Race, Resident Evil : Afterlife, and to some degree, Soldier, but this was like a SyFy or Asylum movie that was given a massive budget.


The plot doesn't know whether it wants to delve into Titanic territory or Gladiator territory, and the script writers and crew obviously weren't smart enough to find the right balance, so a lot of the movie doesn't make sense and it plays like an Uwe Boll fantasy flick at points.

I can't actually describe in words how badly it's edited. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be 15's and was knocked to a 12's cert for box office monetary reasons.


It wasn't a screening in 3D either so the final third of the flick didn't come off as impactful as it was probably supposed to.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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While flawed, I thought RoboCop was decent. Certainly, it was no worse than something like Man of Steel, which was also needlessly po-faced and a bit anti-climactic.


I do agree that while it is commendable they tried to implement some interesting ideas, it's a shame they never really worked out and got a bit lost in all the loud noises.


My biggest gripe with this "re-imagining" is they spent a healthy chunk of the film quoting the original, making you think "that was a good part, in the other film". Also, they did a rotten job building up the baddies, which made the finale completely forgettable.

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