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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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The Worlds End was a really good sci fi film but I kind of expected the same warmth and humour of the other two films when it's really not in a similar vein. I'd say Paul is closer in feel to the other two than this. This is the End is worth watching for Danny Mcbride alone but so is anything with Danny Mcbride in it, saying that I've not seen the medieval one with Natalie Portman that's meant to be terrible.


I've been on a bit of a binge lately mainly using the Empire top 50 films of 2013 as inspiration. Prisoners was excellent in parts but goes a bit mental. Jeff, Who lives at Home was a pretty decent watch and at 80 minutes long and didn't feel like it was trying too hard to be quirky. I'm a bit if a Jason Seigel mark though. Cloud Atlas was saved by Tom Hanks but some of the actor choices and dodgy make up jobs are really distracting.

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The film itself is a bit like an early 2000's Indy match


Like Guy Bifkin said...



This is a quality post.


Anyway, I liked The Hobbit 2. Absolutely crap sounding subtitle though. It definitely is too long, but it's far better paced than the first instalment (during which I actually fell asleep in the cinema before anything significant had actually happened). As a standalone film, the storyline obviously suffers from not having much to it in way of beginning and ending, but as a consequence of that, you get an entertaining two and a half hours of pretty much non-stop action. If they had cut it down to somewhere under two hours it would have been great, my arse was aching by the end of it all. I also found that some of the action sequences are so fast paced and have so much going on that they were a little hard to keep up with for me, as I was sat near the front in a 3D IMAX screen. I was moving my head all over the place trying to get it all in.

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I started watching Your Highness yesterday, but it was so bad that I only made it through 4 minutes. I even fast forwarded to see Natalie Portman's bum, and I suspect it was a stunt double bum.


How does a film that awful get made in the modern age with a cast that expensive? The script was like something a 14 year old would write.

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Cloud Atlas was saved by Tom Hanks but some of the actor choices and dodgy make up jobs are really distracting.


The best bit of Cloud Atlas is the bit where you go "isn't that thingy from Last of the Summer Wines?" and then he out performs all of the bored and clueless looking big stars.


Actually, to be fair to the people behind that movie, it would have made a fun video game.

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Enter the Dragon on Blu-ray turned up from Amazon today, so that's my day sorted.


It's only on for an hour and a half.


EDIT:- I wrote a load of stuff about Xmas and realised I should have probably put it in the Xmas thread, which I have now done.

Edited by Steve Justice
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