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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Are there any decent British films I should be checking out made from 1980 to 1990? Cheers!


Watch these, bAz:-



Great list Devon! Wolves of Willoughby Chase and Paperhouse are fantastic!


I'd also suggest


Chariots of Fire


The Plague Dogs (it is really depressing mind!)

Hope and Glory

A Room with a View

Where The Wind Blows

Without A Clue

My Left Foot

Henry V



Films like:-


Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence

The Cook, The Thief, The Wife and Her Lover


Count as UK co productions as well

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Watched Her today and was actually quite disappointed. I know it's new and seemingly highly anticipated so I'll keep this light and spoiler-free but I felt the concept was far greater in idea than execution, so whilst the first 15 minutes were interesting and ending was okay, the vast majority of the film was pretty maudlin and laboured. At it's worst, it was a pretty generic love story, at it's best, it felt more like one of the only-okay Black Mirror's than anything else. Hey look, an Arcade Fire reference. And that's the other thing, the soundtrack didn't leave fuck all of an impact on you, that was actually a pretty major let down considering how excited I was for them doing this. Curios to see what others think of it, but I wasn't moved much at all.

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And of course the seminal Rita, Sue and Bob Too!

I remember watching this on FilmFour years ago. I'm no prude, but I found it very sleazy. Some of the stuff just wouldn't fly these days (old men taking pics of schoolgirls, wanting threesomes with schoolgirls too) etc. Just seemed well dodgy to me.


It was decent enough though. Love the tune at the opening. Excellent stuff.

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  • Awards Moderator

To peg on to the back on D-Malc's list, I'd recommend checking Mike Leigh's output during that decade. Especially Life Is Sweet. It's bloody brilliant.


Here's the full film on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e9l-KBdylM

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And of course the seminal Rita, Sue and Bob Too!

Some of the stuff just wouldn't fly these days (old men taking pics of schoolgirls,


Really? Bloody Jimmy Saville :angry:

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Does Stiller go full retard?

Nope. In fairness, he seemed to have heeded Downey Jr's advice for this one.


I wish he'd gone full something though, then it might might not have been such a waste of time. Sadly he only just half arsed serious-mode Steve Carrell in this case. Some lovely looking scenes in Iceland, but otherwise a bit of a mess I thought.

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