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TNA as a name is cancerous. Even TNA tried to distance themselves from it with the impact wrestling thing, but all that did was make impact wrestling a name associated with rubbish. It makes sense to rebrand and make it clear there has been a change, to at least try and break some of the negative associations. Especially as Anthem are now both running the show and running the media outlet why wouldn't they make it known and plug themselves.

What doesn't make sense is why Anthem have a hard-on for Orthodox Jewish birds of prey.

I think it was also around the time WWE announced they'd use WWE as an orphan initialism to reflect their output as a whole. Though their legal name remains the same. So TNA who seem keen on getting WWE's castoffs to play the pandering "wrestling, not sports entertainment" card. Decided to do their Wrestling Matters thing which was odd considering there was more talking than actual wrestling at some point. Probably worse at that than Raw. Can't have it both ways.
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After watching Thursdays impact definitely think we are going to see an end to the full on Matt and Jeff stuff it was treated more like a joke than the focal point of the program previously


Think the new booking team have a more old school mentality when it comes to wrestling storylines so therefore I think the style will be toned down and eventually dropped

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Think the new booking team have a more old school mentality when it comes to wrestling storylines so therefore I think the style will be toned down and eventually dropped


If that's the case, I won;'t be complaining tbh. Although the Broken Matt was a lot of fun and got some attention, it didn't shift any numbers whatsoever.

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Eh? It definitely did. Final Deletion gave TNA their highest rating for Impact in over a year.


Apologies. I didn't catch the Final Deletion news. I meant it didn't result in a general upturn over the past few months (although i'm skeptical how reliable ratings numbers are for smaller networks).

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Blah blah beards, speedos and boots.


Blah blah TV writers in and soap opera storyline.


Blah blah proper wrestlers that look like wrestlers and not the morons that take their kids to school at 8.55 every morning.


Blah blah get some decent looking women while they're at it.

Were you fucking glory years in life the Attitude Era and life just sucks now so you'd like those days back.


None of the same shit you have spouted in 3 different threads now will happen. Wrestling will stay the same now until it dies and while we bitch about it a lot I'd much have it how it is then your Russoific utopia of five minute matches and soap opera story bollocks.


If we had it your way we'd be back to a mud bowl match with two models which ends with one model complaining about stomach cramps and losing a baby. Go watch New Blood Rising. It's bollocks. What you want from your wrestling is bollocks. There's even less people that think like you than there are wrestling fans.


Stop preaching the same shit in every thread.

Edited by stevieg1980
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There are no good looking women on the planet Earth anymore mate, they let them "wrestle" in these "wrestling matches" now just like everybody else

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After watching Thursdays impact definitely think we are going to see an end to the full on Matt and Jeff stuff it was treated more like a joke than the focal point of the program previously


Think the new booking team have a more old school mentality when it comes to wrestling storylines so therefore I think the style will be toned down and eventually dropped


Well, if that's the case, the gimmick did its' job.


It kept Jeff relevant and gave Matt a second lease of life. It made both relevant again and in demand.


They'll be in WWE shortly, I have no doubts about that. Especially if they're not going to be the main focus of TNA now. They basically kept that show alive in 2016, they were literally the only interesting or relevant thing on it.


Both deals are up at the end of February. Matt turns 43 and Jeff turns 40 this year. Last chance to earn some big money for their kids, especially for Matt.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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