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so Shelly just went with it anyway and hoped for the best.


And completely shitarsed whatever she was trying to do. The worse part is how completely clueless she was afterwards, despite being the experienced hand. She should've improvised a finish and led Rebel through it. Rotten. She was completely culpable here.

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Oh yeah, she's a shitarse too, who doesn't have the talent to change something on the fly. I'm not denying that. Probably why she's diddling herself on cam shows instead of getting regular TNA shows.

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I assume they would have been there all night doing retakes if they'd decided to reshoot parts of the match to clean it up.

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Great episode of Impact last night . TNA showcased their three main feuds (Galloway/Lashley, Bennett/EC3, Hardy/Hardy) while also presenting other side stories to keep the show flowing (DECAY & the debut of Sienna. And setting up bram/drake TNA are doing a great job with Decay and even lashley now appears to have some personality This Was probably TNA's best episode Of the POP era


Roll on next week

Edited by wrestleuk
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Lose two big stars? Ignore.


Downsize to an office inside a warehouse? Ignore.


So hard up you borrow money from the Harris Brothers? Ignore.


Reasonable episode of Impact? Post. Post. Post.


Class wrestleuk.

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Say what you want about that match (and if you say it was anything other than shit, you're a bit mental), but you can't beat a good bit of sideboob, and skellybob sure provided that.

Edited by handspants
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That 'My vag' shout, the finish and Martinez's outfit. Jesus that was bad but I didn't much mind her shittalking Rebel at the start that was mildly entertaining.


What I caught and thought was ok was Veda Scott. Playing the spunky, firey underdog was decent. A bit Mikey Whipwreck in ECW but promising nonetheless. Showed a change from her ROH bitchy lawyer character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Given that they're still hiring wrestlers don't we think this people not getting paid thing is just blown way out of proportion? It just springs up on the newz sites when its a slow day or Meltzer has his period. I don't believe any of it. You get a week of everyone going crazy on here or there and then everything carries on as normal. None of it is concrete news at all. The Nazis haven't taken over, the show is still getting produced, the website is still updated. The wrestlers are still turning up even though they could just work the convention circuit and earn more. Unless they're all hanging around to see which one NXT shows interest in next....


When the company is gone, the company is gone. If Pop cancels it one day, it still won't fucking die though. They'll find some other bullshit way to keep putting on matches for better or worse. I could do without it in my life for sure so i'm not blindly defending but these doom-mongering articles really annoy me because they all come to nothing because Da Meltz is, or thinks he is on the WWE payroll. The only thing i'm holding out hope for is Jeff and Matt to headline Slammiversary in some ultimate deathmatch/stuntfest so if they don't follow through on that because it's the only money match they have (if such a thing exists with TNA) I'll be pissed.

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It was PWTorch that reported the late pay. You should get your source correct if you're going to jump on your high horse. Generally before you go on a long rant, you should get the facts together. All of what you are saying is easily explained if you follow the story.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Mate, they're all just copy and pasting eachother anyway. They can write whatever they like about some 'production staff member'. I don't care if a non wrestler is owed a months wage because of some management error (which is completely believable being that it's TNA).


Have Bobby Roode and Eric Young come out and said they're owed six figures as was 'rumoured'? That's all I wanna know. Roode's still probably trying to leverage his way back like Storm did (unless he debuted at the tapings).


You've got the same sites reporting that they're doomed and out of business but also about to get investment from actual businessmen! Why would anyone invest in TNA if there wasn't some kind of upside to it?


I'm certainly not going to 'follow some story' that will turn out to be nothing like all the rest but a slow news week.

Edited by Philjax
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