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How have they got the money to buy it?


Edit: Actually, am I right in saying they own some security firm?

Its like the Jarrett/Toby Keith thing. They know someone who can sort them out with a few quid. Probably got some Jewish lad hanging upside down in a meat factory as we speak.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The company likely buying TNA is something called Aeroluxe. Silly bollocks and his twin are on the board. The Observer did an update saying that they are paying for TNA's next set of tapings, since Dixie hasnt got a pot to piss in anymore. So unless she goes spastic and completely loses the plot, it looks like they'll be selling up in the next few days.

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Hearing the fucking Harris Twins are the lads who are trying to buy TNA. The fucking Harris Twins! Of all people Ronnie and Donny Harris. Mental.


I read this story on another site and my first thought was to log on to ukff to see if you had posted yet. You couldn't even make it up could you?!?

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Lovely arty photography of the Shite Bros on the Aroluxe site.




According to the company website they deal in marketing for absolutely everything. Since when has the head of the Blackshirt Security (How apt) been a marketing guru? Must have been when they started managing crap country band. Their website is a basic wordpress template too.

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