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Check out this belting stat. This is the only revenue TNA gets from its TV deal.

From the Torch

PWTorch obtained the following ad sales information capturing Pop’s business position.

The March 29 TNA Impact generated $18,414 in ad revenue, which was less than half of its “Days of Our Lives” lead-in. Impact also generated less money for a 30-second ad than an acquired movie.

TNA Impact First-Run Airing Revenue: $18,414
Avg. unit cost for a 30-second ad: $335
Days of Our Lives lead-in Revenue: $44,135
Avg. unit cost for 30-second ad: $1,100-1,250
“You’ve Got Mail” acquired movie 30-second ad: $406


$335 for an ad during TNA is affordable for us. We should promote Tiger Rick's Royal Rumble stat thread on Pop TV if TNA are still alive by January.

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We should do a collection of images playing over 'Leave The Memories Alone'. Stuff that really tugs on the UKFF heartstrings. Pictures of forks next to random objects, otters, Virgil sat alone at a desk, Butchie angrily staring down a camera lens wearing the shit out of a beard. Finally, the UKFF logo flashes up with the tag 'WHERE DREAMS BECOME REALITY!'..

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I’ve watched like three episodes of Impact since the WWE Network came out over here, and none of those were after September 2015, so I’ve got very little interest and might not be qualified to comment on the ins and outs of the product.     


But I saw all of this “Set your DVR for us” business on Facebook and I have to say it's the most half arsed thing in the history of half arsery.  


Can you imagine if the WWF adopted a similar attitude back in the day?  


"Get Raw!... With VideoPlus+!"   (okay, I have no idea if there was a similar service,  in the US, but my point remains).    

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