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Are both PCW and South side owned by same guy?

Someone has copied someone's statement then

I expect they just used the same statement, so it comes across as a united position. The promoters are pals, and PCW and Southside work together in terms of bringing in and share imports etc.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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Both PCW & Southside got screwed over, hence the near identical statements. Southside had EC3 booked for Sat Apr 2nd in Stevenage, and PCW had him booked for Sun April 3rd. It was a joint deal to bring him over for these 2 weekend dates.


Southside are likely fuming more than PCW, as it's the 2nd time in 5 months that they've booked and advertised EC3 for a show, only for him to be pulled by TNA at short notice. He was originally booked for a Southside show in October last year, and was pulled for near identical reasons - TNA claimed they needed him to promote their tour of China (which ended up not happening anyway). 

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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That's the second time in a row he's been pulled from UK indies thanks to TNA. I was set to see him at 4FW last October. Southside and someone else (forget who) had him as well. Until he got pulled so he could do that run of house shows that got cancelled. Granted, I've seen him twice at TNA, but that made it all a massive gyp.

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Update - Basically TNA were not aware of the booking and it wasn't done through them and done independently through EC3 himself and I can presume this is the same case for Southside, Fludder had not paid for a flight ticket and deposit as of Wednesday so TNA pulled him on the same day as they have the right and its in EC3's contract and I presume he is needed for Pop or rumoured tour of India in the summer (its a sold show by Sony Six who pay a lot of money for TNA and Mahabali Shera). If the booking was done through TNA, then they would have got a replacement or paid back the booking fee.


TNA sources acknowledged that company requests led to EC3 canceling the Preston City Wrestling booking as a commitment that TNA felt was important came up for the same time period, which the company is sending several talents to. James Storm was also pulled from a booking for this reason.

In the case of EC3, while he is allowed to take outside bookings, his contractual primary commitment has to be to TNA and they get "right of first refusal" so to speak, which means that if they need him for a date, they get priority. While EC3 had been booked for Preston City first, once TNA needed him, he had no choice but to pull off the dates.

We were told that when EC3 contacted the promoters he would be working for in Europe, Southside Wrestling and Preston City, that led to them reaching out to TNA. According to our sources, TNA's stance on the situation was that there was nothing they could do as the bookings had not been made through their office, since (according to TNA) no plane ticket for EC3 had been purchased nor had he been given a deposit on the Preston City booking.

Had the bookings been made via TNA office as a third party booking, they would have approached the situation differently. James Storm, who as we noted above, was also pulled from a booking for the same time period. Since that booking was through the TNA office, the office worked to make amends with that promoter.

We are told that EC3 personally promised each promoter that he would make it up to them down the line.

Meltzer too

The TNA side of the story is that this was a booking made directly through Michael Hutter (Ethan Carter III) and it wasn't theirs. They said that Hutter's flight had not been purchased and as of Wednesday, he had not been paid a deposit. They also said Hutter had made an offer to make things up for being pulled late.

TNA had something come up for Hutter, but it was not said what it was other than it involved ECIII and James Storm, which will cause Storm to miss an appearance at WrestleCon. In the case with Storm, the booking was through TNA, the promoter had paid everything in full that was required and booked the flights, but TNA and Wrestlecon reportedly reached an agreeable solution to the product.

Under normal circumstances, if the booking was done through TNA, the company should try and send an adequate replacement, but with much of TNA's top talent like the Hardys and Drew Galloway booked over WrestleMania weekend, that would be difficult. Bobby Lashley is booked in Mexico but that's on the Wednesday prior to the Sunday.

In fairness, when it comes to WWE, similar situations have happened where major talent has had to pull out of outside commitments based on last minute changes in plans or things that come up.



Watch Fludder go round to Gaburick or Dixies house.

Edited by Psygnosis
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Update - Basically TNA were not aware of the booking and it wasn't done through them and done independently through EC3 himself and I can presume this is the same case for Southside, Fludder had not paid for a flight ticket and deposit as of Wednesday so TNA pulled him on the same day as they have the right and its in EC3's contract and I presume he is needed for a Pop or rumoured tour of India in the summer (its a sold show by Sony Six who pay a lot of money for TNA and Mahabali Shera).

Aaaaand breathe.

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About 4/2 4/3 Southside and Preston Shows:


Unfortunately, due to a previously unforeseen opportunity to continue building a rapport between TNA Wrestling and one of our television network partners, I was forced to cancel my appearances with both Southside and Preston City Wrestling April 2-3. Cancelling is not something I take lightly.


It is the second time a similar, yet completely different, set of circumstances occurred and I was regrettably forced to do this.


It is unfortunate because of the embracing relationship the great UK fans allow performers like myself to share with them. It is unfortunate because the sterling reputation the UK independent scene has, is warranted (and something I have yet to experience.) It is unfortunate because at least a dozen fans promised to buy me a pint.


Briefly, I was scheduled for three appearances that weekend (one of which was cancelled, but you know, I understand those things happen.) Though I did not ask for a deposit (as a precautionary measure in case things of this nature happen, the promoter will not worry about having their money taken) nor were flight purchases made prior, I apologize if financial costs were incurred over advertising my appearance. In the future I promise to cover the difference necessary in putting a giant red X on my face.


Financially, if you care about mine (you shouldn't, I'm a dude on TV), I guarantee I stand to lose the most. The UK specific tshirts and new EC3™ foam fingers aren't going to sell themselves.


Accountability is something that is sorely lacking in our industry, so allow me to have some.


I am 100% liable for having to cancel these appearances. Do NOT blame TNA Wrestling. Do NOT their blame network affiliation. Do NOT blame Southside or Preston City. A set of circumstances arose and I had to make a decision, so blame me.


I promised to make it up to the promoters any way I could. If being the subject of a "press release" is the best way I could, then that is fair.


More importantly though, I'd like to make it up to the respective UK fans that purchased a ticket with a promise of my appearance. When the opportunity does arise, I will jump at that chance. Till then, feel free to contact me here via messenger or email bookec3@gmail.com and I will do what I can to make it right.


Again, my sincerest apologies. Cheers.


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He comes across like a right dick there, haha.


'I was booked for 3 shows that weekend, but one was cancelled so, you know, I accept that. Anywho, still buy my shit'

I think it was tongue in cheek the UK-specific shirts and foam fingers.

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Problem is I would have difficulty cheering for him because I can't look at him without thinking "cheesedick and dingleberries."

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