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Enjoyable show. Everyone seemed to have their working boots on, matches were decent and were happening for reasons. Flow of the show was much better than when it's taped. May have to read the spoilers for next week to decide whether i'll watch it though. Could have done with a suprise new talent, AS ALWAYS.


No doubt watched by 50,000 people.

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The front of TNA's website aims to please as ever, though.


Okay, seriously, they're doing this on purpose now, right?


reminds me of when Christopher Daniels and Kazarian insisted the ring announcers refer to them as "the Ring of Honor world tag team champions, of the world"

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Really enjoyable show never thought I'd see grado in a ladder match lol


Really enjoyed it from start to finish great twist st the end with Drew and it's great to see lashley getting some character depth



Viewership is in and the numbers were a big jump up from recent weeks up 85,000 to 307,000 for the first airing and even the replay was over double the previous weeks # in total impact drew 430,000 way up from 280,000 last week


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Is it true Drew had to pay for his own flight to Orlando?

"C'mon Drew, come over for the show"

"I canny do it mate, I've got some stuff..."

"We'll make you world champion.."

"...throw in a packet of peanuts and ya got yourselves a deal there lads."

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The thing with the Lashly turn, is that it seems a bit pointless. When he turned face last time, a week after winning the title thanks to heel assistance from that BDC group he was in, again it seemed very random.


And even though I like Drew, I don't think he should have "cashed in" as the story-line here was Matt/EC3. 


This sort of thing is what I really don't like about TNA. Random face/heel turns, a multitude of title changes for little/no reason. And that website picture about sums it up as well "World Impact Champion of the World" Are they referring to themselves as Impact Wrestling or TNA? Just bloody pick one!

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when did they stop spelling it iMPACT!


thought that was a neat little name for the show, but just Impact Wrestling sounds like some nothingy shit

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when did they stop spelling it iMPACT!


thought that was a neat little name for the show, but just Impact Wrestling sounds like some nothingy shit


They realised that , when written down, it looks like somebody Spanish is shouting "m'pact".


*Gets coat*

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Just watched the main event. Good fun, to be honest. The 24 (or 5) all made sense in terms of current storylines.


Shh, you can't say anything positive about TNA on this forum! 





The vast majority of people on this forum who criticise TNA all used to be fans of the product, who have gradually been put off it by the stupid crap put out over the years. They're not some knee-jerk reactions to another company, they're considered opinions arrived at from years of putting up with a sub-standard product. Mine included - I used to watch Impact regularly, and found plenty to enjoy in the midst of the not-so-good, but there's only so much you can put up with. After a while, you've just got to tap out and get on with watching stuff that doesn't piss you off.

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