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It's the world she's involved in though and that's what wrestlers do, right or wrong.

They don't do it in WWE. Most of their wrestlers are to scared to say the word "belt" because they implement a thousand rules and are scared to get sacked for it. And if it does happen in WWE or TNA, then its because the female doesn't speak up and allows them to get away with it. Because if she didn't speak up, TNA wouldn't have cared less. But she said something about it and he got punished for it. Good for her for speaking up. Countless others wouldn't have. Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Definitely good for her for speaking up for how it made her felt. Couldn't agree more with that, all power to her and no way do I think she should just shut the fuck up and be walked all over. I guess wrestling is changing in that respect, because hearing about this I'd have more likely expected the reaction from some companies management to be. 'Well, shouldn't have fucked up then, should you!?'


I do find it interesting that its Christy though. I respect her for saying something, but it makes me think of how she got into wrestling and that diva search. All of those lasses were treated like shit, belittled, talked down to, made to feel like nothing but objects. And they did it to each other too as part of the competition and fans and workers entertainment. Christy won that pretty degrading contest while one of the others saw the wrestling business for what it was, got a payday and fucked out of it as far away as she could. I love Christy though and I'm not sure what my point is here, if any. Just how much some things have changed I guess and that I'm surprised she's stuck with it for so long.

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When you do the Diva search, you know what to expect, though. She whored it up and took their shit, but she was working towards something and knew what to expect. Especially at the time in WWE, they were you pretty much set up for embarrassment. But in this situation, it was sprung (lol) upon her and she wasn't expecting a wrestler (who's known for hitting fans and being a miserable twat) getting her in face like he did. If it was Samoa Joe or Kaz (who she's good friends with) maybe she would have laughed it off. But Aries is a dick, who a lot of people dont like working with. If you paid me to get smacked in the face by a hammer I won't complain about it. But if you did it out of nowhere, I wouldn't be best pleased. Another thing might be because she is recently married and doesn't get 'em out for the lads mags anymore.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Just to reiterate, I fully understand why A) Christy was angry and B) why TNA are pissed off. She and they have every right to be, particularly Christy.


I still don't agree that it was "out of character" though. Basically, everything he did up until the climbing of the turnbuckles was fine. Announcer fucks up - the heels get in their face, bully them a little and demand it's done again, properly. All that was fine, in character and made sense. Aries didn't actually touch her at any point and for some of it Roode was stood behind him backing him up. It's only when Aries decided to straddle the buckle in front of her that he absolutely went too far and crossed a line.


It was a mistake though, not a pre-planned ribbing or orchestrated sexual harassment situation. He was an idiot and deserves a slap for it.


Had he stopped before he climbed the ropes, there would have been no issue at all. He went to far, that's all.


Surely in that situation "breaking character" would have been walking backstage and making an official complaint that the pretend wrestling announcer got his stage name wrong. What he actually did was play up his wrestling persona - too much in fact.

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I don't think that's what Ian was arguing really, if you read what he's posted.


The point is that calling it "in character" is not an acceptable defense for his behaviour, nor is the fact that wrestling is full of dickheads and is a boys club so she should know what to expect.


You're getting hung up on this whole in or out of character thing and the truth of the matter is that that is irrelevant.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I'm with Eddie here. I think he did it for the heel heat, but in the moment he went too far. Probably because he's a bit of a dick IRL, but had this thing not blown up I'd have laughed my ass off at it and thought nothing more of it.


It's fair enough that if Hemme was upset about it, then he should get punished. But I don't buy it as sexual harassment, and don't think he should get the sack, or would in WWE. The shit they've pulled over the years with Divas, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


Incidentally, I think Hemme does a great job. She's super fucking hot, dresses incredibly sexily, and is actually pretty good in the interviews - never tried to get herself over, reacts well. In fact, in interviews heels are always getting in her personal space and making sexual innuendos, so she must really not like Aries to have blown up over this.

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I don't think that's what Ian was arguing really, if you read what he's posted.


The point is that calling it "in character" is not an acceptable defense for his behaviour, nor is the fact that wrestling is full of dickheads and is a boys club so she should know what to expect.


You're getting hung up on this whole in or out of character thing and the truth of the matter is that that is irrelevant.


I wasn't for a second excusing his actions because I thought they were "in character", I just thought it was being too presumptuous to say that Aries "went off script and took advantage of her" when i think what he did was completely fitting for the jerk character that he plays. He just took things too far with someone who wasn't willing to be messed about with.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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You have to ask before shoving your cock in a woman's face. That's a basic life rule, wrestling or not.


Can we have this put in the subtitle of this thread for those that still don't get it?

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You have to ask before shoving your cock in a woman's face. That's a basic life rule, wrestling or not.

But he's a heel, though. Can you not remember the time Harley Race did this to Gary Cappetta?


Irrelevant. GMC never fucked up a former ROH champion's introductions on TV, and wasn't a slag.


It's stories like this that really show you how scummy some fans, like this div on Wrestlingforum.com, are:


What Aries did to Christy was acceptable, especially for her to fuck up something so simple, she should be the one suspended for a while not Aries when he managed to save the segment and cover up her botch.
Edited by King Pitcos
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That comment has made me think about the male announcers actually, and man they do actually put up with all sorts if shit all the time don't they. Chimmel and Fink are well known for being bullied and ridiculed. Cole used to get shit all the time (but was probably well aware of most of what was going on). Lilian seems to be disliked by plenty and gets plenty of shit her way and jumped all over when she gets stuff wrong. I thought she did leave anyway, when exactly did she come back? Maybe none of them say a word and are content to take the abuse. I do wonder what the case would be if this was WWE and Lilian though. Triple H has been a right cock to her on live TV before just because he thinks she's a horse faced munter. Any complaints from her might fall on deaf ears and she probably knows it.

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