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From what I remember, he wrestled AJ Styles and didnt have a good match and everyone went "oh, that's why WWE fired him." He's got a reputation of having this ability to drag a match down, no matter how good his opponent is. CM Punk said at a Comic Con the other year that the Pope was his worst opponent ever.

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I wonder if he's got that Kennedy-like reputation at WWE as well, where they had such big plans for him and he fell so short of them that they can't stand the fucker. In 2007, I reckon Vince had stars in his eyes for a Bobby Lashley vs Elijah Burke WrestleMania main event one day. The arse fell out of those kind of ideas quick enough, but for about two years after, Jakks were still pumping out figures of him. When they'd start a new line of toys (massive ones! Little ones!) it always had Elijah Burke in because at some point in 06/07, WWE must have said to them "this is the lad we're going with, get him in all your plans."

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I saw Pope at a house show in 2010 and there was so much daylight on everything it was beyond ridicule. All his stuff looked soft as shit. Now, not everyone has to be Bradshaw or Hardcore Holly, but he looked like he wasn't even trying to make it look real.

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After watching an hour of ROH the last thing i would want to do is watch 2 hours of far less entertaining TNA. The ROH rating will soon be much higher than the 9pm Impact one. DA have successfully sabotaged a show on their own channel to teach Dixie a lesson.

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What's this whole thing about fedoras and MRAs? I've read the odd reference recently, but I don't know what it's about.


MRAs are men's rights activists, arguing for, I dunno, the restoration of masculinity in the wake of a perceived feminist onslaught. The broad visual stereotype of men's rights activists is a fedora-wearing, neckbeard-sporting brony. The stereotype often includes repeated insistences that they are a nice guy, complaints of being friendzoned and the Gamergate-inspired "actually it's about ethics in games journalism" joke (an excuse constantly deployed by MRAs on Twitter to justify hacking, doxxing or harassing female game developers, female journalists, female gamers, or sympathisers of any of them; Gamergate may not have been the start of the meninist movement but it's certainly its most notorious public campaign).


"Not all men" is the traditional start to a defence of a feminist critique of, say, high unreported rape figures and how women are nervous if they are on their own while walking through an empty subway and a man walks towards them (i.e. "not all men are rapists").

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I do know what MRAs are and what they do, but thanks for the further detail on Gamergate, that's been something I haven't kept up with. It was more the fedoras thing I hadn't heard about. If it's become a typical item of apparel for them, that's annoying - I've been wearing fedoras for years, just because they look good. Rather it wasn't associated with those douchebags.

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Ah, apologies, wasn't sure whether you wanted to know the association between the two things or the definition of MRA so I went for broke. Douchebag is certainly an apt description for anyone who thinks that there needs to be a men's rights movement; it's usually just outright misogyny.


Getting it back to TNA, I'd love to see Meninist James Storm but the trouble is that the audience would probably identify with him being friendzoned by a hot woman and start cheering (in a scenario eerily similar to James's WWE angle with Trish Stratus).

Edited by darkship
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Excellent breakdown of the ratings vs ROH here for anyone interested - the patterns at the end/beginning of both make interesting reading - TNA are barely beating ROH numbers in the middle of their show.





It will be interested to see them in a few weeks.

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