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It's definitely a loss leader, but the entire company from 2009-2013 was that. Then they started to panic and cut down the wage bill, but that measure is diminished by the insistence on going back to that venue. Obviously the outlay probably isn't the same, but surely Sting and Hulk Hogan in a shitty gym is better than Eric Young and Fat Joe in the Manhattan Center.

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Oh yeah, that's true, I was thinking more along the lines of wanting to look their best on a new network as they might snag some new fans and don't want to give the impression that they're some low rent tinpot company in the gutter. A bit like a scrote hiring a decent suit for a court appearance.

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I think it comes down to the crowed more than anything. surely across the US there are more than a few decent venues of that size. However as shown the Manhattan Centre provides a vibe that might not appear in other places. So they can look hot on the new network followed by UK Tapings meaning they have a couple of months of aphetically pleasing shows. From then they should cut back and try to get the audience amped the old fashioned way by putting on a good lively show 

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They totally should be running the first tapings in a good building, even if they lose money. These tapings should set the tone for their new network. It would be far more damming if they ran in a shit venue where they broke even. Everyone is saying this is a downgrade, the least TNA can do is not present it as such.

I'll give this a fair shot, but the chances are nothing will change and it will just be the same old TNA

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Considering that they'll probably lose money whereever they run, they might aswell run New York. It will draw a decent crowd who will be in to the show, it makes the thing feel far bigger than the Impact zone ever did and it gives the impression of success even when there isn't any.


That said, everyone mentioning that they're in New York every ten seconds is a tiresome experience.


Edit: Also agree with Loki. That poster is very cool. And Roode looks ace.

Edited by tiger_rick
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New York is the most expensive place to run in the States. The building rent and originality fees to tape TV there are shockingly high. They are losing their arse taping there. Hence why they started taping in Philly for a bit. New York is a shocking expense for getting nothing back. Its like Del Boy selling rotten tomatos and walking about with a filofax. They'd rather keep up an image, rather than try and cut the most obvious costs. They'll be doing about 300,000 viewers for these tapings as well. Whats the point in keeping up this image? I know perception is reality and all that, but this is taking the piss.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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So I take it by the TNA Knockouts specials thats been in Impacts place for the last few weeks on Challenge TV mean MVP & Kenny King burnt the place to the ground like they promised on the last Impact!? Poor British Boot Campers competing all these weeks for a spot on the equivilant of Sky's foreign channel. They can aspire to top Nigerian Idol's ratings :(


Maybe a stupid question but where does that leave TNA on UK tellys? Do we even get Destination America or are they likely to keep it on Challenge as we didnt get Spike either?

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