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Surely a 13 and a half year old company can't still be seen as a "start up" by someone in that industry.


Good luck to him though, he might kayfabe a few bucks out of them.


Will he be Easy E's right hand man/goof again? So long as they're paying I dare say he might not give a toss.

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Observer says they are jacking the on the road tapings in:

TNA no longer lists tapings dates for Dec. 5 or Dec. 19 on it schedule. The Dec. 5 date was scheduled for Chattanooga and the Dec. 19 date may have never been reported publicly but it was scheduled for Arlington, TX.


In addition, the Nov. 21 taping in Baltimore reportedly has no tickets for sale by PW Insider even though we had been told earlier today that the advance was terrible for the show. Their report said that people who called asking about tickets were told to try again next week, even though the event had not been canceled.


The Dec. 27 taping in Philaelphia is still on the schedule.


There are meetings going on this coming week regarding what is next but the belief is they are going to go back to a single location for tapings.


The December 5th taping tickets weren't on sale until tomorrow anyway. Can't be due to low ticket sales.

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Surely a 13 and a half year old company can't still be seen as a "start up" by someone in that industry.

11 years. There was still a competitive wrestling industry 13 1/2 years ago. Just.


But yeah, your point still stands though. Bizarre thing to say.

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Surely a 13 and a half year old company can't still be seen as a "start up" by someone in that industry.

11 years. There was still a competitive wrestling industry 13 1/2 years ago. Just.


But yeah, your point still stands though. Bizarre thing to say.

Same thing happened with Shelton Benjamin. He'd been in WWE about thirty years and people still used to talk about him like he'd debuted the week before. Ultimately, Morrison had to think of something good about TNA on the spot and talking has never been his strong suit.

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TNA may be going back to the Impact Zone in late November. Via Mike Johnson of PWInsider:


Conversations have been opened between TNA and Universal Studios regarding the promotion returning to the old Impact Zone in November to tape several days' worth of Impact episodes, PWInsider.com has learned.


There is no confirmation that the two sides have come to terms, but the belief is that the company is seeking to run several days' worth of tapings the week of 11/21 that would cover 4-6 weeks' worth of episodes.


The Impact Zone, located at Universal Studios Orlando's Soundstage 21, is currently being used as a Resident Evil haunted house for Universal's Halloween Horrors event through 11/2.

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You only have to watch the interview and see the kind of people reporting it (TNAWrestlingnews.com, TNAasylum etc). General TNA spin doctors, trying to make perfume out of a eggy fart are the only people reporting Morrison showing up in TNA anytime soon. If you watch that Morrison interview, you wont come out of it with anything other than this idea he's going back to WWE. He admits to leaving because he didn't think his promos were up to scratch and he wants to be more polished when he returns. Morrison has so much upside. He has youth, name value and an open door to return to WWE whenever he likes. If he was going to go to TNA, surely he'd have done it 18 months ago? When they were in a position to offer him a main event spot and decent money. I just think there is zero chance of him gambling a return to WWE by signing up with TNA right now.


Mike Johnson also says this:

With Hulk Hogan currently listed as a free agent how hard do you think TNA will try to resign him or just simply let him go?


The two sides are talking, but it doesn't appear TNA is in a position to offer Hogan any huge amount of money. We will see what happens, though.

Here's hoping TNA cant afford him, and he returns to WWE. TNA really shouldn't be paying all that money for him and I want to see Hogan return to WWE.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Morrison, is a good worker, but too damn pretty for blokes to cheer him as a face..

People say this, i've never really got it. Are we honestly suggesitng no pretty boys have ever gotten over as babyfaces? Because, like, they have.

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There's the idea that to draw as a face, men have to want to be like you and women have to want to fuck you. John Morrison could tick those boxes.


I think Morrison looks too much like a preening metrosexual poseur for a lot of the adult male fans - especially the redneck homophobes - to take to. For me he always lacked that certain intangible in that he could physically do a lot of impressive stuff, but I never found myself caring all that much if he won or lost.

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Bit disappointed that they're seemingly moving back to the Impact Zone. Anywhere but there!!


Wouldn't be that fussed to see John Morrison in TNA but I imagine a few people like his work. Would be better than offering Ken Anderson a new deal anyway.

Edited by garynysmon
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