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It might be dead to you. And thats fair enough. No ones forcing anyone to watch. I'm pretty sure the company will be around in some capacity for many years to come, making small profits but never really bothering anyone who doesn't choose to watch.


Last i heard they were fine as there are pottering along not losing money. They've stepped up merchandising from an on screen point of view. A couple of months ago i couldn't have even told you what the online shop address was but i sure know it now. I bet there's people buying that 4 disc AJ Styles dvd in their droves. It's full of superior matches to what he'll produce in WWE (opinion but he's not 25 anymore). They've just freed up several large talent contracts and replaced them with fresh talent who probably cost a tenth of that but yet im more interested in as a tv product with more to come i'd imagine.


If anything the last two weeks have told me they're anything but dead and i should keep watching. And this is two weeks after I almost gave up. After 12 years.



Keep on drinking the Dixie kool-aid. 


The company is dead, has been for years. Talent, staff etc have all gone and the company no longer has any money to invest. Every decision they make is a backwards one, and it's all under Dixie Carter's watch. 


But they put together a couple of average T-Shirts (which they no longer sell at events) and thrown together a 4 disc AJ special so everything must be super in Dixie land. 


Remind me again who decided on moving to Destination America? Remember the spin they came out with (long term, more TV blah blah), they lasted less than a year. 

Edited by Buzz Lightyear
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I don't listen to a thing Dixie Carter says or does. She's purely an on screen character as far as i'm concerned who i can ignore at my leisure. I'm aware she's an idiot. Don't take me as some TNA rulez fuck WWE guy. If i'm allegiant to any company it's WWE. They've certainly had more of my money. I'm just happy to watch a show that was better than Raw this week and explain why, and what i'm comparing it to. I believe the rating went up again this week, off of a live show, which must be a first as it usually drops, so i'm not the only one willing to do so apparently. You on the other hand, obviously haven't watched, aren't willing to do so and are happy to proclaim something 'shit' when it's clear it was not, this week or last and more than likely going forward based on what i've seen.

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I don't really understand what Dixie kool-aid is either. Is she booking the quality show i'm watching this week? I don't think so. I struggle to fathom who DID book this block of tv as it all made sense and was extremely entertaining. Not like TNA at all. Did they benefit financially from having a good show this week? No idea. Doesn't bother me. I watch wrestling to be entertained and this week, they entertained me. I hope some other people were entertained too. Maybe more than last week. Might be good for the business.

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That company in financial trouble. Big John Gaburick was told to cut the roster down to save money. Eric Young and Bobby Roode would probably be quite high end earners and possibly contractually easy to get rid of if the contract is coming to an end.


It all in the end rests on Dixie Carter. She kept Russo on, losing the Spike deal, she's quite a bit loose on who she sends or CC's in her emails, bye bye Destination America. Then her positive tweets amounting to "everything's fine y'all" are nauseating.


She should have gone in 2010. The Bischoff/Hogan reign was on her and that killed it. That should have been it for her. But now with all the restarts and reboots and rebrands the company is like a reanimated corpse. No soul, no heart, no life and no chance.


And as for this forum being nothing but a TNA bashing session. No chance. I'd say lots of the veterans on here tried to be positive on TNA all the way up probably 2012. That was the last kinda flutter of life in TNA. BUt if you look at the pro TNA forums you get nothing but ROH bashing, WWE bashing and fawning over who the Knockouts division should get next. Because getting Cherry Bomb into TNA makes a massive difference. (I'd much prefer Veda Scott myself).


So after all those years of being burnt and let down by TNA I think we'd all have a right to get a lot of bitterness about it off our collective chests.


Sorry for the long rant. Its a long train journey home.

Edited by stevieg1980
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I gave TNA another go at the start of last year and it was either boring, a clusterfuck or the start of a story they dropped two weeks in.


It's great to hear reports show quality is up but one good show isn't getting me back. Reports of good shows for 6 months or so might get me back. It's going to take good characters and story to keep me if I did too. TNA haven't had a rep for that long a run of great tv for years.

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The only thing that would get me back watching TNA on a regular basis is if they hit the reset button and rebranded the product from top to bottom. Get rid of the name, the ring, the logos, the announcers, the title belts, the lot.

Basically a new promotion with Dixies daddy's money and the best of the current TNA talent.

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Guy in the hat is Pepper Parks. Been around the indies forever, think he was on a couple of episodes of Impact a little while back. Married to Cherry Bomb, I think.


Feel like I should recognize far left but can't put a name to him.

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It is, and the far right is the former Marcus Louie (sp?). I always thought Sylvester LaForte had something and could have done better than he did. He was good as the sleezy Manager of The Legionnaires.

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Feel like I should recognize far left but can't put a name to him.

His belly button is weird.


Pepper Parks, how come this early 2000s PWI500 relic has reappeared onto the scene lately? Until a few months ago, I don't think I'd heard the name since 2002. Waiting for the Flash Flanagan signing, next.

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Weird belly button guy is apparently Marshe Rockett. I hadn't heard of him, actually.


TNA have put out a press release where they've gone all "use their real names and hint at what they've done before".


The Frenchies are apparently "following the career path of Bram and Eli Drake".

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