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That's pretty depressing. He deserves better than that.


Over the past few years he's struck me as the type who's had his hand in lots of other projects.  I'm sure he mentioned on a podcast (Austin's?) recently that he's writing for Marvel or DC.  I'd imagine he's making more money now than he did in TNA.


He'd be good as a trainer in NXT mind.  I'm surprised they haven't picked him up actually.

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I forgot all about Team Canada. What a great team they were. Easy to forget how good TNA was at one stage.

Fuck, this year marks 10 years since they disbanded. That's insane how quickly time has gone by.


Their 'T.N.eh!' t-shirt was superb.

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I know people talked about his phycology in matched right up until the Bad Influence days but im sure he could be used as someone at NXT at talent development level, sure not structuring matches but showing the talent how do the moves a lot crisper and safer


I don't remember him ever injuring himself 9r anyone else for that matter

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Their 'T.N.eh!' t-shirt was superb.

Apropo of nothing but I got that as a free gift when I bought some DVDs from the TWCF site. I think it was international showdown, which I remember nothing from so must be liable for a re-watch.

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I do wonder why they stuck with TNA for so long. Roode especially. He could have done so much more with his career and TNA had clearly been going nowhere for years.

Money obviously, TNA were prepared to pay more than their competitors and until AJ Styles did well most of the TNA originals hadn't faired too well in the WWE, besides those that hada name from WWE and WCW.

Just to add to this, Roode's peak years were when WWE wouldn't touch anyone with TNA stink

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I was happy to see that Daniels has landed a job at Universal Studios. I work as a performer at their Park in Osaka and I can tell you it's a sweet gig. By the looks of things he's playing the lead role in the Water World show which (Amazingly considering the source material) is one of the most popular and sought after attractions in all the parks. Being an actor on stunt pay he'll be earning a far more comfortable living than he would risking his neck on the indies plus all the benefits. He's landed on his feet there!

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