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I watched their first Destination America show, after giving up around the time Sting left. It's all a little sad to watch. It reminds me of the AWA shows on ESPN, towards the end of their life. The lesser names, the empty seats, the production etc. It all has the stink of death to it.


I really did like TNA, for the most part, back in the day - particularly because TNA would get good around the Winter months, which was exactly when WWE hit auto-pilot. It's a shame it's lost all hope of getting bigger and better.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Tried to watch Impact last night given some positive feedback on here. I didn't make it through an hour. It's the same old stuff except it looks really bad. That shot of Matthews & Taz commentating from what appeared to be a broom cupboard was embarrassing.


Awful mic work from Angle and Lashley. Abyss looks horrific these days. James Storm is wasted pissing about with these no hopers. The Rising doing the whole "we love wrestling", "we're not superstars, we're wrestlers" thing was shit. Who cares, seriously? Agree with what Ian said previously in this or another thread, that Eli Drake guy was good on the mic. Galloway wasn't, his delivery makes him sound like Mrs Doubtfire.


I couldn't get past the knockouts match we've seen a billion times before. It's a pity because they've got some decent talent but it just looks abysmal and everything is a re-tread.

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Somebody should really start a thread going through the old weekly PPVs. Be far more interesting than whatever they're currently doing. Even if it is the last politically correct thing ever and the X division matches probably don't good up as anything even remotely interesting anymore.

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Do those guys even go to the tapings anymore? I got the impression the broom cupboard, as Rick accurately called it, was in the HQ at Nashville, and all the announcing was added there (probably at a later date, but maybe live, I dunno).

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They're back at Universal. But Taz wasn't there. Josh Matthews was at the tapings, but Taz wasn't. The announcing has been a mess doing it from the broom cupboard. I havent watched it, but people are saying Josh Matthews is talking about tweets being onscreen when they arent even there and the commentators introducing segments when there's a commercial break up next. Production and pre-taping has went to the dogs in TNA since half the production staff has left.


He's also dropped all TNA references from his twitter profile.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'm not sure how to upload pictures on here but according to Matt Hardy and Manik they just got paid and it was nice of them to revel how much they got paid....$4.000 and Matt seemed to have a lot of cheques. Would that figure be per appearance? because if so I don't know how it compares to WWE but that is pretty decent. I wouldn't grumble lol on a side note how does that figure compare to WWE?

Edited by C-Rock
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$4,000 per appearance is the going rate on the indies for name WWE wrestlers like Hardy. He's worth it to indy promoters as well, because you can make it back at the table and on the door. Cant see how he's worth it for TNA, though. They have way bigger stars than him on their roster and dont charge for their tapings. But in fairness to Hardy you can say that about his brother and Kurt Angle who are on way more than him.


Bit of a shitty move to be like "I got my money lads! Get it" on twitter when there are people who have had to leave the company and stated they didnt get paid on time. Moral must be rotten when you get a star bragging about his coin on twitter. Matt Hardy is an internet train wreck as it is, though. He just has to get online and put his business out there.

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Things arent always what they seem. There's simply no way Manik is getting $4,000 for a single payout, unless that is a lump sum of a load of pay offs they didnt get to him and he's trying to look way richer than what he is (like Madusa did that one time). Manik has been nowhere. He has no leverage. No value. Nobody in NXT is earling $4,000 for an appearance, so the idea that TJ Perkins is on that is laughable. If this cunt isn't making $500 a shot, I'll sell my arse. Just the idea of it is laughable. He isn't even a name indy wrestler and he's been around for years. He's the 4th Suicide or something.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It does seem mad that he'd be on that much per appearance, so it probably is the total sum of x amounts of appearances. Didn't they tape 6-8 shows over a few days in March? Perhaps it's the total pay for that?

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