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Those were literally the only two examples I could think of. I cant remember much about the Team 3D run from 2005-2010 that was any good. The main thing I remember about them as a team was Bubba almost breaking Chris Sabins neck and continuing to wrestle while Sabin lay there unable to move. Bully Ray's run was great, but the Team 3D run I remember was just two fat old fuckers in jeans and t-shirts standing in the way of the Motor City Machine Guns and LAX as they slipped down the card and were taken off TV. Its not like they were Scott Steiner putting everyone over and being hilarious. Bubba Ray Dudley especially was considered an absolute waste of space until he went single. The whole reason Bully Ray was so refreshing was because he dumped the relic act that the Dudleys were.

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They may not have been putting people over clean every night, but they were a solid corner stone of TNA's tag division and working with them benefited a lot of teams. Don't remember the Sabin thing, has anyone got a link? Really interested to see it

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It was in 2009. Cant find the match. Bubba did a Rock Bottom style move where he dropped Sabin and folded up gaving him a stinger. Kevin Nash got suspended over it because he went ballistic that the match wasn't stopped immediately.


EDIT: Here it is.

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3-D had tons of good matches - with the Steiners, Beer Money, all sorts. Their arrival sparked a rag team renaissance in TNA at a point where it was practically dead in WWE.


I think of them as TNA now for what it's worth.

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I just remember Team 3D were like the boss at the end of game. America's Most Wanted, LAX, Beer Money, The British Invasion, Motor City Machine Guns always did their best stuff away from Team 3D. And when they did work Team 3D inevitably, the Dudleys go over or they'd do some fuck finish like the match above because the Bubba Ray was a road agent. They never looked a good fit in TNA. Especially that period when Bubba Ray had a mohawk and pijamas on. They just never seemed on the level of the names TNA brought in. They had Sting, Angle, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Scott Steiner. Then you had your Rhinos, Ravens and Team 3D who seemed to be around forever doing the same storylines. With each new ex-WWE signing, they looked more and more like relics. Bully Ray should have got in shape and went solo in 2006. He'd have had an amazing feud with Joe.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Don't know if there's any point in using the spoiler tabs as the thread is titled 'Spoilers' but more importantly no-one seems to be watching Impact anymore but here goes anyway...


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New World Champion - BOBBY LASHLEY! The show ends with MVP, King & Lashley beating up EY until Bobby Roode comes in to make the save


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