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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Hennig joining the NWO and smashing Flair's head during Wargames 1997 is brutal. A shame the NWO is already littered with the likes of Vincent, Norton and Bagwell because it could have been special.

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Hennig joining the NWO and smashing Flair's head during Wargames 1997 is brutal. A shame the NWO is already littered with the likes of Vincent, Norton and Bagwell because it could have been special.

Hennig turning on DDP not THAT long before didnt help much either.

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Typical WCW during that period. The the nWo did the Horsemen parody which got so much heat they changed the War Games main event from something else (cant remember) to the Horsemen vs the nWo. Which obviously should set up the Horsemen getting their revenge. You could have easily beat Konnan, Bagwell or X-Pac in that match. Instead Hennig turns on the Horsies and the next week Hogan comes out with Flair's robe on with the sleeves cut off. So after all that, the focus remains on Hogan (even though he had nothing to do with the angle) and Hennig slips into the midcard. All roads led to Hogan back then. Got a bit tiresome. And the Horsemen looked like donkeys throughout it, not getting their revenge and then disbanding when Hennig turned.

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As daft as it sounds, Hogan and Bischoff are the worst parts of the NWO. Everything is about them.

Bischoff is abysmal, agreed. Hogan becomes terrible and is a pretty poor fit for such a hip and happening angle in truth but without the shock value of his initial turn and that great promo, I'm not sure it gains the traction it does to become so hot.


Also, for all it's sins, that Hogan/Sting match was the best thing WCW ever built.


The worst thing about the nWo, Bischoff aside, was the terrible dilution that happened way too quickly. Membership drive my arse.

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As daft as it sounds, Hogan and Bischoff are the worst parts of the NWO. Everything is about them.


Similar to how Triple H was the worst part of DX.



You mean the original version? He was awesome as the bastard leader in 2000.

Edited by Carbomb
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As daft as it sounds, Hogan and Bischoff are the worst parts of the NWO. Everything is about them.

Bischoff is abysmal, agreed. Hogan becomes terrible and is a pretty poor fit for such a hip and happening angle in truth but without the shock value of his initial turn and that great promo, I'm not sure it gains the traction it does to become so hot.


Also, for all it's sins, that Hogan/Sting match was the best thing WCW ever built.


The worst thing about the nWo, Bischoff aside, was the terrible dilution that happened way too quickly. Membership drive my arse.



I think the problem there was that WCW seemed to be all over the place with their intentions for the angle.   You can't do a full invasion angle with three lads and the Million Dollar Man on the outside, but by the same token you can't have 15 to 20 people in the same heel faction.   Realistically what they needed was four or five guys in the NWO who joined because they felt frustrated with WCW, and wanted to prove themselves as part of the NWO, then bring in new folks straight into the fold, and have them refuse to take part in run ins and the Hogan Stuff, then you do your wolfpac stuff.  

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Wasn't the idea behind throwing so many guys in the nWo to do with Bischoff thinking he could genuinely create a separate brand/show/company under the nWo name? Having an nWo show with only 5 nWo guys would have been something.


Granted, it was a terrible idea from Bischoff that clearly fell on its arse.

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