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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I had a random thought the other day - the melody to "No Chance In Hell" makes me think it was partially inspired by "Iron Man." Just me?

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I wouldn't be surprised if most of Jim Johnson's Attitude Era riffs had some form of popular metal buried in them, sequences backwards etc.


I loved Vince Russo's WCW Ironman theme. Late WCW had some great themes nobody talks about. Billy Kidman's riff was class. The Artists Purple Rain knock off is up there with Grado using Like A Prayer as one of the best unlikely songs that work wonders in wrestling. And of course the ch ch chosen theme.

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So I can't be the only one that gets disproportionately annoyed at that weird "one fall" thing everyone parrots during the introductions at literally all of the Brit Wres shows these last couple of years.


Can anyone explain what it is? Is it a joke? What is the joke? How did it start? Why do people do it. Keep seeing announcers everywhere playing up to it now too. Does my nut in. (I told you my annoyance was disproportionate).

Almost as bad as the crowd counting one ahead of the ref during count outs...ugh

It's started leading into a ten chant now, due to whoever that nxt guy is. It's the fucking worst.

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A few WCW themes turned out to be stock music from porn movies right?  I know Benoit's WCW theme was and the nWo theme just had porno written all over it. That nWo theme is still one of my fave entrance themes of all time.


I saw porn once with an actual WCW theme playing in the background. I can't remember right now, but it'll come later.

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