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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The fickleness and stupidity behind Internet hate figure choices has been completely exposed by the u-turn on Triple H. For years, he was the evil political burymaster, pulling strings because he was shagging the all-powerful head of creative. And then he became head of creative, and he was still using his evil scheming shovel on Daniel Bryan. But now, somehow the head of creative position is powerless, Triple H can't even get an idea on the telly, and Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn have seized control of the company.

Dribble. Absolute dribble.


The height of HHH backlash was 12 years ago, it's hardly a u-turn. More like a very long journey where general opinion has changed largely due to him being the face of NXT, which pretty much gives fans exactly what they want. If people think he can't get his ideas onto Raw, it's because of the blindingly obvious loss of direction for everyone who gets called up. NXT is thought of highly and presented as his baby, of course he has support now. If he didn't have support you would be moaning about that instead


I know that as the most stubborn person on the internet you won't listen, just want you to know you are wrong about everything on this particular subject

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Were you not one of the ones crying about evil political mastermind HHH booking Raw to bury Daniel Bryan and CM Punk a couple of years ago then?

To be fair, him beating Punk when Punk had just become their hot new babyface did have a bit of a cutting his legs off vibe about it, fuck knows who thought that result made any sense

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Triple H didn't have anything to do with that. He has no power to influence WWE's main roster.

Booker T? Long time ago mind, but he completely ruined a storyline with not wanting to lose that match.

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Triple H didn't have anything to do with that. He has no power to influence WWE's main roster.

Booker T? Long time ago mind, but he completely ruined a storyline with not wanting to lose that match.

Speaking of that, I've only just realised how much of 2003 was Triple H vs WCW headliners. Scott Steiner followed by Booker T followed by Kevin Nash followed by Goldberg, and that was virtually his whole year!

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Were you not one of the ones crying about evil political mastermind HHH booking Raw to bury Daniel Bryan and CM Punk a couple of years ago then?

Nope. I thought both should have been booked better at times (because at points it was utter shit) but I never really blamed HHH personally for it as far as I remember. May have had a moan about him from time to time but it's been a very very long time since I blamed him for everything.


That was a weak as fuck comeback by the way

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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He does though. Even if its not official (can't remember if he was head of creative by that point) he's obviously got loads of influence, particularly over his own storylines.


We would assume so. And yet his own storylines have dominated the main event segments of Raw for the last two and a half years, and he's been head of creative for most of that time, but to certain sections, he bears no responsibility for it. If he actually has lost all his (and Stephanie's) power, he can't have been a great master politician in the first place. That's what makes the u-turn on him so stupid.

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BT Sport/ESPN are showing The Prince of Pennsylvania documentary at midnight. It's the story that Foxcatcher is based upon. It's supposed to be very good.

It's fantastic. It's on the US Netflix and is tremendously comprehensive, although it does leave the very real question of how things turned in Du Pont's mind from point A to point B. Though I suppose that's part of the whole issue.

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Were you not one of the ones crying about evil political mastermind HHH booking Raw to bury Daniel Bryan and CM Punk a couple of years ago then?

To be fair, him beating Punk when Punk had just become their hot new babyface did have a bit of a cutting his legs off vibe about it, fuck knows who thought that result made any sense


And not only that but R-Truth and Miz helped Hunter at one point despite the stipulation that if Hunter lost he'd lose his power as GM which was something Miz and Truth wanted to happen.

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