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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Hopefully they can bring him back hot this time, as opposed to when he left last year to do that film just as he was a red hot babyface and brought him back with the worst return storyline ever

I just want to see the vicious fucker from the Trips/McMahon feud, nothing else, I don't want corporate controlled Orton, or Babyface Orton high fiving kids and teaming with Cena, the closer to his natural character the better, everybody knows he is a bit of a cunt so just let him go out and be that guy.


Also, bring back the punt, how is it any more dangerous than the traditional boot to the mush that Harper does, or the Miz, fed up of moves being taken away, piledriver style moves I get, but the curb stomp and the punt??

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According to this site (who credit WOS) Orton could be out until after Wrestlemania.




Edit: Thought this was the news thread, sorry.

It's confusing but the Observer says it's his shoulder surgery that has him out until after Mania. He's then getting neck surgery which best case is an additional 3-6 months, but potentially 12 months depending on the type of surgery he needs. Edited by Benno
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So at this rate the only guys they wil have who have any star power really for Mania 32 are Cena, Triple H and Taker. Haha.


They've got Lesnar too. 


Having said that, the guys they have for Wrestlemania don't reflect the real problem WWE have though, because everybody comes back for Mania. Three of the four guys mentioned above work a part-time schedule, and there's only so much any of them have left in them. They're certainly not four names you want to be planning the next 5+ years of your company around.


You can (kind of) understand why WWE worry about building a star for fear of them fucking off after a few years, but they're only maximizing the damage caused with their attitude of only ever trying to build one star at a time.They need to hedge their bets and work on building 5 stars. If 2 of them don't take off, 1 gets injured, and 1 fucks off to Hollywood, they've still got 1 more fresh star than they have now. It would be tons easier to get them over if the focus was spread out.

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So at this rate the only guys they wil have who have any star power really for Mania 32 are Cena, Triple H and Taker. Haha.

They've got Lesnar too.


Having said that, the guys they have for Wrestlemania don't reflect the real problem WWE have though, because everybody comes back for Mania. Three of the four guys mentioned above work a part-time schedule, and there's only so much any of them have left in them. They're certainly not four names you want to be planning the next 5+ years of your company around.


You can (kind of) understand why WWE worry about building a star for fear of them fucking off after a few years, but they're only maximizing the damage caused with their attitude of only ever trying to build one star at a time.They need to hedge their bets and work on building 5 stars. If 2 of them don't take off, 1 gets injured, and 1 fucks off to Hollywood, they've still got 1 more fresh star than they have now. It would be tons easier to get them over if the focus was spread out.

They can't even keep one potential star away from the parity booking mess, they'd never manage it with five. The biggest chance they've got of building stars is by limiting how often the five would wrestle -- and crucially, how often they wrestle each other. If they were hoping for Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, Rusev and Wyatt to be money draws by WrestleMania 33, I just don't see how they could get there. Keeping them all largely apart except on PPVs is close to impossible. Raw needs four main events a week, Smackdown needs three. Now some of those (I'd say almost all of them) should be angles/promos, and Smackdown is a bit more flexible on who they can put in those slots, but it's still an absolute mass of content that they need to fill.
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I don't see anybody on the roster right now outside of the four top guys (forgot about Lesnar) who could ever draw money, excepting maybe Reigns if they haven't fucked that already. In the case of any "upper midcard" (if such a thing really even exists anymore) guys, they've fucked them all. Wyatt, Ambrose, Ryback...pick a guy, he's been fucked over by parity booking and shitty creative. I don't see how they turn that around at all. Even if tomorrow they started building those guys the way you'd want them to, it's too late.


So what they need to somehow do is find four or five new guys that are not on the roster, maybe in NXT, who can come in and they use the way you use guys who you want to actually draw. Seriously, WrestleMania 36 is going to be the shits.


Everybody has been saying that they are tuned out until WrestleMania season. I wouldn't put any money on it being much better than Autumn/winter WWE. Last years build was the shits even if the show was great.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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If the expected match with Lesnar V Reigns does actually go ahead I don't know where this leaves Triple H on the card. Especially now that we know there's no Rock and Rollins.

Tag Team of the Year

Rock N Rollins officially added to list of gimmicks I'm upset will never happen

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Hopefully they can bring him back hot this time, as opposed to when he left last year to do that film just as he was a red hot babyface and brought him back with the worst return storyline ever

I just want to see the vicious fucker from the Trips/McMahon feud, nothing else, I don't want corporate controlled Orton, or Babyface Orton high fiving kids and teaming with Cena, the closer to his natural character the better, everybody knows he is a bit of a cunt so just let him go out and be that guy.


Also, bring back the punt, how is it any more dangerous than the traditional boot to the mush that Harper does, or the Miz, fed up of moves being taken away, piledriver style moves I get, but the curb stomp and the punt??



They're both very easily replicated by kids and have the potential for serious injury if it goes wrong. If they mess up doing a big boot it'll hurt but they won't risk a broken neck or a nasty head injury.

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WWE.com are doing a write-up on the 10 longest serving members of the roster. Miz clocks in at #10 with this really scary write-up -

Consider this: The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have wrestled John Cena, The Rock, Jerry Lawler, Kane, Bret Hart, DX, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have won every active championship he is currently eligible for, including all three iterations of WWE’s Tag Team Championships. (Given that the WWE World Heavyweight Title is descended from the WWE Championship, The Awesome One’s lack of a World Heavyweight Championship reign doesn’t hurt him in this regard.)

The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have main-evented WrestleMania and won. The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have actually retired somebody (John Morrison, who was fired by “Big Johnny” after a particularly grueling loss to his old partner). The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have been on ECW, Raw and SmackDown. The Miz has been in WWE long enough to have mentored not one, not two, but three Superstars: Daniel Bryan, Alex Riley and Damien Mizdow.

The Miz has been in WWE long enough to be a 10-year veteran of sports-entertainment, and The Miz is just getting started. End scene

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