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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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That's why Bryan is over with the live crowd and Reigns isn't.

Bollocks to that. Just because he doesn't get as much cheers as Bryan doesn't mean he isn't over with the live crowds. Don't let the boos make you ignorant to the fact that he still gets plenty of cheers. Unless I've misunderstood the meaning of 'over' completely.

Edited by Murtz
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That's why Bryan is over with the live crowd and Reigns isn't.

Bollocks to that. Just because he doesn't get as much cheers as Bryan doesn't mean he isn't over with the live crowds. Don't let the boos make you ignorant to the fact that he still gets plenty of cheers. Unless I've misunderstood the meaning of 'over' completely.

He's the challenger going into Wrestlemania main event and the next big star. His reaction should be entirely different than it is.


People are judged on status. When on top, the bar is much higher. You expect more from the top brass.

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Roman shouldn't be getting any boos. Not one single fucking boo from anyone. It's fine for big chunks of the live crowds to boo Cena because he's already the made man, cash cow, franchise. Roman is being presented (and has been groomed for a few years) as the Next Big Thing. The guy in that position should be 100% babyface, and ideally getting thunderous reactions everywhere leading into his defining moment at the biggest show of the year.


The fans should be begging to see Lesnar defeated by their hero. Unfortunately they've botched the fuck out of it all. Unless some miracle happens the fans will be maybe 50/50 at mania at best. Worst case they boo the fuck out of the supposed new Golden Boy. This is not an example of a well executed plan.

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What Eddie said


I can honestly see the end of Mania being a complete disaster, either Reigns will win to a load of boos or Rollins will cash in to a load of cheers


Blame the Mania crowd as much as you want, it's going to be the worst crowd reaction to a Mania main event ever, and that will fuck Reigns, especially as Ian said, he'll have no decent feud after Mania

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The Batista thing was done in response to Orton flopping, wasn't it? They got a good reaction on a pseudo-turn during the HHH/Orton feud and then went with it when that flopped. Apparently Triple H had to fight for it as a long-term WrestleMania storyline.


Besides, when it comes to a wrestlers' catalogue of work both in the ring and on the mic, was there ever anyone with a better record than Cena?


I don't think there is. Because of his longevity, Cena's got a better body of work than pretty much anyone else in wrestling ever. He doesn't get enough credit for that, either. If you were to compile a big DVD compilation of great matches, angles and promos for each wrestler, Cena's would have the most discs.


Roman shouldn't be getting any boos. Not one single fucking boo from anyone. It's fine for big chunks of the live crowds to boo Cena because he's already the made man, cash cow, franchise. Roman is being presented (and has been groomed for a few years) as the Next Big Thing. The guy in that position should be 100% babyface, and ideally getting thunderous reactions everywhere leading into his defining moment at the biggest show of the year.


That's never going to happen anymore, because (a lot of) the TV crowds are entrenched in the "I'm not gonna like what you tell me to like, dad, I'm going to my room" mindset and will sabotage anyone in that position. The only way you can get the wankers at TV to support a top/emerging babyface is if it's someone who has been "buried" and they can convince themselves they're cheering that wrestler against WWE's wishes... Which means you can't push a wrestler to that position traditionally anymore.


Or, for example, you get the likes of Orton -- can get the TV crowd pretty solidly behind him, but has never drawn so much as the curtains. I suspect Ryback and Ziggler will never be money players now, either. For TV cheers, Reigns' best bet would have been to lose all the time for a year (or at least lose enough big matches). But that stuff's likely at the cost of his ability to bring in revenue.


Because of what happens with Cena, they're much more comfortable now having a top babyface who doesn't get unanimous crowd reactions, because there's a big gap between who the TV crowds cheer most doesn't equal who brings in the most money. They may well stick to the original plan this time because of the difference between Reigns, who likely wants to start making that Cena money, and multimillionaire Batista, who never started wrestling training until he was in his sixties, prefers being a heel and was going within six months either way.


Look at this:






Who looks out of place in those? The bloke who has the entire arena chanting along with him. He looks like he's there because he won a radio phone-in, he does shite all for ratings and tickets and doesn't sell merchandise at the level of a #2 babyface. Imagine sending Asda a box of pencil cases and ringbinders with that man's image on. They'd tell you to fuck off and send them an extra box of Transformers ones instead.


WWE did this to themselves by catering to anti-WWE fans with CM Punk vs Cena at Money in the Bank and Triple H's "reality era." Us vs them and blurred babyfaces and heels, like Russo always wanted.They've created this new weird kind of kayfabe that doesn't quite make sense anymore, but adds an extra layer of interest for jaded viewers like us.


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The thing with Reigns is even if he's not Steve Austin come 'Mania or even right after it, WWE are all in with the idea of making him a star - to a level we've not seen in years. You would think the company will get it right eventually, if they haven't got a complete tin ear. It's a spectacular misfire if he's not the most over name in the company in a year. They've only got themselves to blame.

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Not to repeat myself over and over but I don't see a downside to going with Reigns. If he doesn't catch on quite as expected, he's got everything about him to be a really fresh heel Champion. With Bryan, Orton and Cena lined up as challengers and being the man to say he beat Brock Lesnar, he would be a great heel.


They'll have already told the world how good he is so it'd be a case of fine tuning the act into one that people will pay to see. And that's the key. There's too much bullshit talked about boos. They key is money. Roman Reigns doesn't fail as a top babyface if he gets some boos. He fails if he doesn't draw money. Only that cold, hard fact matters. $$$.

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An interesting question would be, is he the least monetised star at this juncture, so close to being a made man?


Cena was fucking merch machine, even with the US title; the Austin 3:16 'moment' is once-in-a-lifetime but the point remains that he'd sold a bucket load of merch and to an extent tickets before he ever got the title, or had his 'made man' moment.


The interesting thing with Reigns, too, is he's skipped straight past 'main event push' to being given a solid gold, made-man moment. Cena won his first title against JBL in the mid-card of Wrestlemania, whereas Reigns is going to dethrone the bloke that beat the fucking streak.


Besides the fact that he looks the part, I'm yet to see any tangible evidence that suggests he's ready for this level of push.


Not that that means I'm against it. He's an endless pit of potential and is, probably, one day going to belong in the main event. They've just risked it all on a Hail Mary pass that is either going to be a massive success or horrible failure.


Part of me thinks the sensible path is a Mania heel turn, so that any boos feel part of the plan. But I'm not sure that in the long run, a safe heel run with Heyman helps anyone. Unless he's heel champion long enough to convince everyone he's a major player (he has more 'proper' main events feud as heel, against Cena, Lesnar or Bryan that could solidify him), takes a bit of a break and then comes back as a returning hero. Everyone loves a return.


In short, it's going to be fun to see if his abilities can catch up with his position.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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"Austin 3:16" didn't make Austin, he was in a dark match At summerslam two monthst later only beating yoko as yoko fell off the robes cause he was too fat. Austin was made by his feud with Bret, calling him out for survivor series, and that Bret took him seriously, and that they were competitive started Austin's rise.


More often that not, stars have been made from the struggle upwards, as Those who have been handed it have struggled. These days dues have to be paid to get the smart fans, who a in the whole, a bunch of arseholes. Fuck crowd reaction, as cena now shows, ignore them long enough and they eventually fall into line. I'm not convinced by Reigns being the full package, butnim not holding it against him. As a fan, I want the guy who beat the streak to be beaten. It's not still real to me, but I watch for a story, not worrying about what buy rate a guy does, or does he pop a rating. Does any other show anyone watches have such an over thought business under current in how much it's fans measure it?

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Other than Fast Lane has he main evented any PPV as a singles? The majority of his build the past year has been so underwhelming, other than a midcard match with Orton at Summerslam not one thing stands out to me. From a kayfabe perspective it made no sense that your new hero babyface didn't go after the guy that put a chair across his back, could have been a great feud and really gave him a kickstart. They also missed the bus with having him go over Triple H at Summerslam, fair enough he hasn't won a match since about 2010 but he's still a massive name and the best heel on the show at getting faces over. Nothing about Reigns right now says to me, Wrestlemania Main Eventer, he's way in over his head and I think next year will end up a year of recovery for him more than anything.

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