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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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If they don't make money from Dean Ambrose, it isn't because of his ring gear. He totally looks the part. 

Edited by Loki
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With Brock having the belt and not being on all of the pay per views, what does everyone think they'll do to keep things ticking over until his return?


Is there a chance they'll rehash one of the greatest PPVs of all time and do a Survivor Series 1998 style one-night tournament to determine Lesnar's next opponent?


Or will Randy Orton and Seth Rollins win the tag titles, with Ambrose and Cena facing them in a PPV main event?


Seth's briefcase up for grabs at TLC?


Hunter maybe doing a match to get someone ready for Wrestlrmania season, either against Ambrose or Reigns?

Edited by Supremo
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I like that they've sort of tried something different with The Shield. It was only a couple of years ago some of us were moaning about everybody wearing black trunks and having kickpads. Rollins dresses like early-90s Trent Reznor or some Marvel villian, which I like, and Ambrose's jeans/vest combo is perfect for this nutter character he's supposed to be.


All three stand out from the rest of the roster.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I think it's a marketing thing. Meltzer put it better than I can on an Observer radio, but essentially the idea is they've spent time making them recognisable in the full body Shield getup and so now theyve all gone solo, they want to keep them all with something that doesn't stray too far from that recognisable look, at least at first.

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Trunks, tights and singlets is what wrestlers wear, so of course there are going to be loads of guys in them. You've had to resort to naming part-timers and jobbers that aren't even on TV to put together a very short list of examples of trunk-wearers there so I don't really think you've succeeded in the point you were trying to make. Especially since virtually all of those guys do actually have a very distinct look anyway, when you factor in their entrance gear and such.


As a performer, if you're relying on your outfit to make you stand out or give you some personality, then you're not a main event talent anyway. Currently, Dean Ambrose is a big enough personality that he is able to get away with wrestling in jeans and vests. Not many others on the roster could pull that off, but I do think that it's holding him back from looking like a true main event player.

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Who wants more guys in trunks when you already have Orton, Cesaro, Barrett, Miz, Sandow, Sheamus, Jericho, Bryan, Bo, Axel, Titus, Ryder, HHH...

Exactly. Trunks, especially black ones, are dull as hell. That combination should be avoided as much as possible, rather than putting more guys in them to look like everyone else. In the main, they should be reserved for real top tier guys who have a wrestling or 'no -nonsense' gimmick, and have so much charisma and larger than life personality that their attire becomes one of the last things you notice about them. 


Notwithstanding the attire type, more colour and less black in general is needed too (not with the Shield guys, they're fine). At that recent PPV, I counted 3 whole matches which were black trunks v black trunks. In fact, everybody on the show, with the exception of Cena, was kitted out in black. it all looked so lifeless and gave off a really boring vibe. 


Ambrose has a perfect look just now. Putting him in black trunks would be one of the worst aesthetic switches I could think of. Try telling Undertaker, Cena , Savage, Foley or whoever that you need plain old black trunks to succeed. I can't see Rollins ever suiting them either. Maybe Reigns in a year or two would be ok in trunks, but the shield gear still looks good, he's recognisable in it and has made it his own, and i'd have no problems with him spending his career with that look, even if it ends up just the trousers eventually.


I think i've just spent longer talking about wrestling clothes there than i have about wrestling all year  :blush: .F*ck it though, i'd make an awesome WWE kit designer. I'd have things looking like the 1993 Rumble again  :D

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