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Recently discovered 'Hollywood' Bob Holly in Smoky Mountain; might be my favourite persona of his now! Bret outfit, jacket and Bowie entrance music, can't go wrong with any of that. Oh, and his flying knee-drop finish from the top looks great.

Edited by AshC
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if you like Wrestlecrap this is must see stuff, great fun!

wasnt shane in a turtle neck when he showed up as well?

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Recently discovered 'Hollywood' Bob Holly in Smoky Mountain; might be my favourite persona of his now! Bret outfit, jacket and Bowie entrance music, can't go wrong with any of that. Oh, and his flying knee-drop finish from the top looks great.

He used that in the WWF too, that was the Pitstop Plunge! Although I think they eventually just ended up using that for anything he hit from the top rope.


I watched a house show fancam with him vs Pierre the other, it was pretty good stuff actually. Way more energetic and spirited than you'd imagine on a house show, and they had the crowd pretty rabid. I also saw that show where Diesel won the title, and Pierre even got a fun match out of Mabel. He was working like an absolute demon. He was so good, such a wasted talent. Would've made an awesome babyface too. 

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currently watching this:




if you like Wrestlecrap this is must see stuff, great fun!

wasnt shane in a turtle neck when he showed up as well?



and a lot less grey hair too



Edited by Krytie 2X4B 523P
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Fin Martin's winner of Commentator of 2000 (so far) in the PS half year awards of that year.

He was at least fresh and trying to add something to a crazy product. Everyone else (Ross, Lawler, Styles, Schiavone, Heenan) was doing the same thing every week and had been for a long time. Wasn't much competition from the likes of Hudson and Cole either.

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Fin Martin was the only person on earth who liked Madden's commnentary. He always used to pop up on the quotes section. Madden was apart of the 5 cunts of 2000 WCW, which included Russo, Borash, Bob Ryder, Disco and Madden. They'd go on WCW Live (a podcast before there were podcasts) and talk in an insider fashion how great the shows were (when they were absolute shit).


Here's an example of the arrogance of the WCW staff before the ship went under.

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There was a brilliant piece on Salon.com last week about Pro Wrestling's history of ruthlessly exploiting its performers. It touches on everything from the steroid trials to the independent contractor thing to Benoit. The author is a little keen to get as many insider terms as he can into the opening paragraphs but aside from that it's a great read, here's the link.


The only thing in it which I had never heard before is the following bit about Hogan apparently halting an attempt to form a wrestler's union around the time of WrestleMania II. Does anyone have any information on this?



Nothing is more real — and more obscured by the smoke and mirrors of the mat — than a simple fact: the billion dollar spectacle of pro wrestling relies entirely on the ruthless economic, mental, and physical exploitation of its performers. In that world, of lingering physical ailments, screwjob employment contracts, and chugalug drug abuse, Hulk Hogan is a millionaire named Terry Bollea, a favorite of WWF management, poached from a Minneapolis wrestling promotion and transformed into the star of “Hulkamania.” In that world, in 1986, Bollea ratted out his fellow wrestlers to crush a nascent unionization drive ahead of Wrestlemania II. In that world, wrestlers are exploited and injured and thrown away — their final contribution to the world, a mortality rate on par with day one of Antietam.



I love Hogan but anyone who's followed his career and doesn't think him an utter bastard is a doe eyed bell end, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was some truth to it.

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Jesse Ventura tried to start one. Someone grassed it up to Hogan who told Vince. A union will never work because the wrestlers are always going to try and stooge each other off. Especially back then. That union was never going to happen. There were so many people willing to jump in the spot of the few who would have walked out.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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