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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I dont see what Heyman would do for Cesaro that Zeb doesn't. If Cesaro is going to make the step up, he's going to have to carry the load on his own and not have a ball and chain attached to him. Unlike Heyman, Zeb shows his arse in the feuds he does and gets his comeuppance. By the time Punk got his hands on Heyman the feud was redundant. Zeb gets the good kickings that Cesaro would have to take if he was with Heyman. Like Heenan would do. I dont get this "Zeb is too comedy" either, because the fans in the arena aren't laughing at him. They hate him. I find him funny because I know its Dutch Mantell playing a racist, but he gets the right kind of heat and takes the beatings for it.


Cesaro's got it going on in the ring, but Zeb's is amazing to watch. His reactions when Cesaro loses are brilliant. Especially on Raw. He went fucking mental. Its good to see someone act like these wins and loses matter.


Actually if Hogan and Zeb do anything together next week, I may lose the use of my legs with joy and have to go on the sick. There's nothing I'd rather see in wrestling than Zeb and Hogan hamming it up.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I dont see what Heyman would do for Cesaro that Zeb doesn't. If Cesaro is going to make the step up, he's going to have to carry the load on his own and not have a ball and chain attached to him. Unlike Heyman, Zeb shows his arse in the feuds he does and gets his comeuppance. By the time Punk got his hands on Heyman the feud was redundant. Zeb gets the good kickings that Cesaro would have to take if he was with Heyman. Like Heenan would do. I dont get this "Zeb is too comedy" either, because the fans in the arena aren't laughing at him. They hate him. I find him funny because I know its Dutch Mantell playing a racist, but he gets the right kind of heat and takes the beatings for it.


Cesaro's got it going on in the ring, but Zeb's is amazing to watch. His reactions when Cesaro loses are brilliant. Especially on Raw. He went fucking mental. Its good to see someone act like these wins and loses matter.


Actually if Hogan and Zeb do anything together next week, I may lose the use of my legs with joy and have to go on the sick. There's nothing I'd rather see in wrestling than Zeb and Hogan hamming it up.


You make a good point. I suppose in my case it was more the idea that Heyman appears to have been positioned over the past couple of years as a "main event manager", whereas Zeb's sort of been mid-to-upper-midcard in terms of his proteg

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I fucking love GLOW. It's absolutely brilliant.

There's a documentary about GLOW kicking around on Netflix at the moment, if you're interested.


Seen the doc you speak of, I highly recommend it to others. A nice little gem it is.

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I dont see what Heyman would do for Cesaro that Zeb doesn't. If Cesaro is going to make the step up, he's going to have to carry the load on his own and not have a ball and chain attached to him. Unlike Heyman, Zeb shows his arse in the feuds he does and gets his comeuppance. By the time Punk got his hands on Heyman the feud was redundant. Zeb gets the good kickings that Cesaro would have to take if he was with Heyman. Like Heenan would do. I dont get this "Zeb is too comedy" either, because the fans in the arena aren't laughing at him. They hate him. I find him funny because I know its Dutch Mantell playing a racist, but he gets the right kind of heat and takes the beatings for it.


You make a good point. I suppose in my case it was more the idea that Heyman appears to have been positioned over the past couple of years as a "main event manager", whereas Zeb's sort of been mid-to-upper-midcard in terms of his proteg

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I'd guess the proportion of how main event your status is affects how much arse you end up showing. I didn't catch the Punk/Heyman feud, but with Heyman in the position he's in, he's placed to really piss off the fans, so it needs to be a massive deal when he does get his come-uppance - so, ideally, he should only show his arse in the mains or semi-mains of PPVs, preferably one of the major ones.


Because Zeb manages mid/upper-midcarders, the emphasis on their importance is significantly less than someone managed by Heyman, so their placement on cards (or sometimes lack thereof) means there'd be more of a necessity for Zeb to show his arse more frequently, i.e. on minor PPVs and on telly.




The usage of the phrase "show arse" is disturbingly high in this thread, especially when you consider it's in relation to Paul Heyman.

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Couldn't sleep last night (actually, didn't sleep last night, at all), and at one point I turned on a public access channel to see, bar none, the shittiest coverage of a wrestling show I've ever seen. Ludus Wrestling it was called, and after some investigation I found that it is Joel Maximo's wrestling school, which puts on shows which are free in for kids, and have got in trouble recently for selling booze unlicensed, and to the underage. Runs out of some shady setup in the middle of an industrial area - sounds like something I might want to check out.

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When is Wade Barrett going to have a match? Appreciate that they're establising his act but come on, get on with it.


Just before he hits his finisher each week, he should grab the mic and announce "I'm afraid I've got some bad news" and then *bang* 1-2-3.

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When is Wade Barrett going to have a match? Appreciate that they're establising his act but come on, get on with it.


Just before he hits his finisher each week, he should grab the mic and announce "I'm afraid I've got some bad news" and then *bang* 1-2-3.

Fuck that. The last thing he needs is to be thrown back into the midcard rinse and repeat, trading wins with Miz and Ziggler every week. I'll take him banging his gavel and kicking toys over every week for months rather than that.

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When is Wade Barrett going to have a match? Appreciate that they're establising his act but come on, get on with it.


Just before he hits his finisher each week, he should grab the mic and announce "I'm afraid I've got some bad news" and then *bang* 1-2-3.


Jim Ross made a great point on his first podcast with Stone Cold that Barrett should've been #30 in the Rumble.


The angry round begging for Daniel Bryan's music to hit... "I'm afraid I've got some Bad News!" Instant super heat.

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Jim Ross made a great point on his first podcast with Stone Cold that Barrett should've been #30 in the Rumble.


The angry round begging for Daniel Bryan's music to hit... "I'm afraid I've got some Bad News!" Instant super heat.

Nearly everyone on the forum had the same suggestion the day after the show. JR needs to keep up.

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