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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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like kane the charachter but in ring wise hes very lumbering. Who do you think hes had very or even good matches against other than proven top liners like taker, cena, austin foley etc...hes never made anyone look good in a match from what i can remember. Wyatt can go, ive watched this shit for 30 yrs and you can tell when someone can go. Hes explosive for a man his size, has the basics down and his mannerisms and general control of things seem excellent. I just think he has it. The x factor as cliched as it is. Theres something about him what i think hes gonna be a big time player for yrs to come.

Even the toned down current entrance, by mania thatll be huge. Loadsa lamps, masks etc...its a charachter what can be built on so much. Much like the taker was 20yrs ago.


Alright, expert. Jesus.


But, there's no evidence of anything you've said you have to admit?


So far he's had the worst PPV match of the year WHERE HE HAD TO KEEP PULLING HIS BAGGY TROUSERS UP, and a scruffy match against R-Truth on Raw.


As for Kane, he's been at this for a decade and has had fine matches with almost everyone. He has the WWE TV style down as good as anyone, and has had good TV matches with guys like Big Show, Henry, Ziggler etc.


Not that it matters, you've already accepted that he can have good matches with 'proven top liners' which means Bray Wyatt has to take a fair share of the blame for the shower at Summerslam. It's a myth that someone can be a complete schlub, but then have very good matches with main eventers. Just because Kane doesn't carry people, doesn't mean he's shit.


I wouldn't worry about Wrestlemania. At this rate Wyatt will be lucky to be the pre-show, and the sun'll still be up then.


Ok, hes shit. He had to pull his trousers up. Sorry i take it all back.

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I've been trying to watch as much Daniel Bryan (note; Daniel Bryan not Bryan Danielson) as I can on youtube and stuff. I watched the D-Bry/Punk match from last years MITB (I hadn't seen it before) and, whilst it wasn't great, they didn't half beat the living piss out of each other. Bryan kicked Punk all over the joint.


I also watched Bryan/Regal from an episode of Superstars in 2011. The chain stuff at the start was great but I felt it sort of lost its way. It was still good, though. The funniest bit was when they put a verse of Regals 'mans man' theme in amongst his regular theme and Regal/Bryan and the ref just pissed themselves.

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I've been trying to watch as much Daniel Bryan (note; Daniel Bryan not Bryan Danielson) as I can on youtube and stuff. I watched the D-Bry/Punk match from last years MITB (I hadn't seen it before) and, whilst it wasn't great, they didn't half beat the living piss out of each other. Bryan kicked Punk all over the joint.


I also watched Bryan/Regal from an episode of Superstars in 2011. The chain stuff at the start was great but I felt it sort of lost its way. It was still good, though. The funniest bit was when they put a verse of Regals 'mans man' theme in amongst his regular theme and Regal/Bryan and the ref just pissed themselves.


Check out his 2/3 falls match with Sheamus for the World Championship at last year's Extreme Rules. I don't know how much you've been watching this year but the six-man tag against The Shield from the 14 June SmackDown is a must-see Bryan match. Going back to the beginnings of that feud with The Shield, the six-man TLC match from the TLC PPV at the back end of last year is another one to watch.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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The first match that made me notice Bryan was a really good match with Barrett at Summerslam 2011. It didn't have any real story going in just a midcard match but i really rated it.


I got recommended a Ziggler/Bryan 2010 card opener but never got round to watching it.

Edited by Fox Piss
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I really like Bryan and have been digging his rise to the top since the turn of the year pretty much. But is anyone else concerned about the way his beard is kinda becoming his gimmick? He is so much more than that. But that angle where Barrett was trying to shave off his beard, and his 'Fear the Beard' t-shirt and so forth is a bit off for me. I mean, its the kind of thing a comedy character would have as the centrepiece to their act. I know it could just be something along the lines of his appearance being one of the reasons why Vince, Triple H and the 2013 Corporation dont see him as a company figure head, but its a concern of mine over the last few weeks. I'd hate to see Bryan turned into a bit of a gimmick character.


Anyone else feel this way? Or is his act too hot and over to be really troubled by that?

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