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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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How did they manage to take the drawing power out of Hogan-Flair before getting to a PPV? That seems like the worst kind of self-destructive booking.

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How did they manage to take the drawing power out of Hogan-Flair before getting to a PPV? That seems like the worst kind of self-destructive booking.

Well they didn't really. Like most feuds it was booked around the horn on the house show circuit and it didn't draw as well. Not sure why, perhaps a down turn in business at the time? Hogan's brand was hurt by the scandals of the summer of '91. Also Hogan's classic formula was with big men and Sid looked like a star. Flair was a big star and everything but to WWF fans did he look like someone who could topple Hogan? Edited by WWFChilli
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On the latest episode of The Steve Austin Show, Kurt Angle tells Steve that he's got a year and a half left on his current TNA contract and that after time that he will see what happens / consider his options. I just figured that he was hinting at hanging his boots up and calling it a day, but then he goes on to say that he wants to continue wrestling for four more years yet (he's 44 now). In the same interview he says that he has been very happy in TNA, but admits that he does miss his days in WWE.


I got the impression that he would be very open to returning to WWE on a reduced schedule (TVs and PPVs). He's done everything he can for TNA now, and he knows that WWE is still and always will be, the show.


I'd absolutely love to see him get another run there. He's a huge name that they could throw straight back into the main event mix and really freshen up the product. Or they could use him in that Jericho role of the popular midcard hand to help get other guys over.


What do you reckon- would a 46 year old Kurt Angle in the WWE appeal to you?

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Is Dave Batista in London right now, then??Sweet, I'm off to see Action Bronson on Friday and they are mates; I hope he brings him along to the show.

Batista's in London for four or five months doing the Marvel film, I think.

I guess that all depends on how the matches were booked. Could Hogan be convinced to lose, it would be hard to think so. Maybe even passing out in the figure four? You certainly could not put Hogan/Flair on in the same spot as Savage/Flair.

The sensible (but cop-out) ending probably would've been the same as what was meant to happen with Sid. Hogan would have Flair beat, Papa Shango runs in for the DQ, Warrior makes the save. Then you've got Warrior vs Flair as your summer feud.
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Meltzer said that WWE were going to offer Kurt angle a deal a couple of years ago when his last TNA deal was set to expire, but then he got into all that bother with the police and Vince brought up in a meeting that Angle was no longer an option.If Angle can stay out of bother I can see WWE having him back for another run. Angle isn't The Rock or Hulk Hogan, but he's been away long enough and is big enough to come in and slot back into the main event and generate a bit of interest.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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Agreed, I've seen all the TNA matches of his that I'd want, whereas there are loads of WWE feuds that would be perfect.I'm a big fan of Angle, still. I understand the criticism that he overuses his finisher, etc etc but I don't care, his matches are generally athletic, exciting and dramatic and that's what I look for.I can imagine Angle v Ziggler being pretty amazing, for instance.

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But given those names listed the most interesting match between any of them would be Daniel Bryan Vs Lesnar surely?

I've actually never put those two guys together in my head before, but holy shit, that would be the greatest David vs Goliath match that WWE could possibly do. Now that you've said it, I'm going to be devastated if we never see that programme.
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I'm getting waaaay ahead here and the stars would have to dramatically re-align, but I'd love to see Rampage turn up in WWE. Rampage v Lesnar sounds absolutely mouth watering to me.

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But given those names listed the most interesting match between any of them would be Daniel Bryan Vs Lesnar surely?

I've actually never put those two guys together in my head before, but holy shit, that would be the greatest David vs Goliath match that WWE could possibly do. Now that you've said it, I'm going to be devastated if we never see that programme.
Winding up in Hell in a Cell please.
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