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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Just watching some random 1997 raw. I'd almost forgotten how much I adore post-mullet Shawn Michaels. The stubble, the constant gum chewing, the Lennon shades, that arrogant sneer. The can't be arsed promos and the way he constantly seems to be mocking how ridiculous this wrestling stuff is . He looks like a rockstar. Pushing Vince's buttons at every opportunity. He has that over the top Liam Gallagher cockiness about him, seeping through every pore, it's glorious. And he's the babyface!


Also, Owen Hart was fucking tremendous. Love that man.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Cant see a specific thread for it, but have just finished watching Barbed Wire City, and thought it was fantastic. Highly recommended. Considering the lack of material they had, I thought it was very well put together, and had a great set of talking heads.



On another note, Im making my way through a SMW "Before They Were Famous" set, and have watched a great match featuring The Headbangers vs Chris Michaels and Flash Flanagan. If it were up on youtube, it was be a perfect for the "Great sub-10 minute matches" thread.


Ive seen a decent amount of The Headbangers WWF run, and dont think I can remember one good match the entire time, so I was very shocked at how good they were in this. Really solid in the ring, and absolutley nailed their "Powerbomb, top rope leg drop" combo finisher. Just about as perfect as you can do that move. Flash Flanagan was brilliant, too, bumping around like a Shawn Michaels, and nailing some impressive offense. Looked really solid. Judging from his Wiki page, he never did much in wrestling, which is somewhat suprising.

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Cant see a specific thread for it, but have just finished watching Barbed Wire City, and thought it was fantastic. Highly recommended. Considering the lack of material they had, I thought it was very well put together, and had a great set of talking heads.


It was very good I thought, far better than I expected. There are some good podcast links over at PWO forums with the maker of it too. Sadly the production values are typical of the ilk.

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I think Alex Riley could be a decent star if they put some effort into him. He reminds of babyface Rocky Maivia, with his timing, the way he moves and carries himself.

I'm not saying he could achieve greatness like Rock, but he does look a right prospect if used correctly.

I watched a match with him and McGillicutty a couple months back, I think it was, on Superstars and I can't remember being that interested in a match on said show in a long time. Cody and Riley on last weeks was pretty good also.

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Why are the vast bulk of Wrestlers entrance theme songs really camp sounding now. I miss Jim Johnston's original score based compositions.

Like take that lawyer chap, Otunga's, entrance theme. It sounds like a DIVAs and plus it has lines like 'my big gun will make it taste kind of sour' or something akin to that.

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The Last Of McGuinness is one of the worst documentaries I have ever seen encompassing any subject and any genre. One of the most bitter and joyless documentaries around, with very little joy in there at all.

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Otunga's theme is ace!!!!!


I like a lot of them, it least they're a bit modern. Ted DiBiase's is fucking rank though.

Really? Otunga's? It just makes me a bit confused, coz I expect to see some malnourished bird in a gold bikini come out doing the rocker hand sign, but Otunga the Beast comes out bouncing around.

The Yossi's is horrendous, agreed. Absolutely septic. Maybe I'm showing my advancing 30+ years, but I really miss and yearn for the days of theme songs like Sids, Jake Roberts (both of 'em), Austins, Big Daddy Cool Dizzil, Guerrero, Angle, and even Derringer's Demolition theme. Although, I just twigged as I was typing, I am after contradicting myself as The Shield, Ryback and a few others still carry the Original JJ Theme Torch.

I'm just waiting for Ryback's theme to carry on after the initial Feed Me More opening to have someone from Avenge Sevenfold or Adelita's Way wailing out ;

'I'm feeling hungraaayyyy, no one can stop meeeaaayyy, It's dinner time, and you're mine all mine, coz somedayyyy in the future, it won't suit ya, when I hit the peaks of my desire, I'm going to make sure you don't step over my hunger wire'

Telling you now Butch, watch this space!


I do really enjoy Zigglers though!


The Last Of McGuinness is one of the worst documentaries I have ever seen encompassing any subject and any genre. One of the most bitter and joyless documentaries around, with very little joy in there at all.

In fairness sir, given the subject matter, it's hardly going to be on par with the Wizard of Oz or Finding Nemo with the feelgood factor.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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The Last Of McGuinness is one of the worst documentaries I have ever seen encompassing any subject and any genre. One of the most bitter and joyless documentaries around, with very little joy in there at all.

I would have disagreed because originally watching it I felt really sorry for him. His vagueness on the subject of how he got his bicep tear has made me lose sympathy for him somewhat. If you're going to make a documentary where the whole thing is based on us saying "poor lad", it would be nice to tell the whole truth. The reason everyone thought he got aids was because when he stopped wrestling he lost so much weight he looked frail as fuck. You would think the theory of him being on steroids for years would have been brought up as to why he kept suffering muscle tears to the point of WWE saying no to him. He's all for talking about blood and concussions being the scourge of the business, but he never once brought up his history of steroid usage. Its definitely something worth bringing up as a valid reason to his problems.


What were you expecting from a self produced documentary about a wrestler who had to stop wrestling due to health reasons, basically centred around his frustrations from not making it in the WWE?

He was talking about it going in film festivals before it came out. He hyped the shit out of it. There's no way that would stand up next to anything as professional.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think he came across as somebody who felt very entitled, and was almost shocked that he never made it to WWE, despite the fact he a) doesn't fit their mould and b) even when he got offered the gig it was screwed up mostly in part to his lifestyle and wrestling choices he personally had made.


Also, from a film perspective, there was no light and shade at all, it was just all darkness. Every minute of the film, apart from the clips of him wrestling consisted of Nigel a) looking into the camera moaning b) listening to people talk about how great he is and then c) moaning again.


At no point in the film, rather than at the end, was there anything other than him looking down. Did a minute go by without him talking about how he had failed, or how disappointed he was that he'd never made it. I respect that that was the entire point of the film, but perhaps it would have worked better as a ten minute short rather than an hour and a half of exactly the same thing.

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