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http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxdf06_th...rt#.UYLgpLU3uFA "The mania of Wrestlemania"


First time I've ever watched it, can't believe some of the footage and interviews they showed. Kurt angle even said that he can't function without painkillers and had been in excruciating pain for 7 years at that point and this was in 2003, god knows what lifes like now for him. Some pretty mental stuff in here that i didn't think the wwe would want people to broadcast about their top stars.

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WrestleMania 9 should have had Randy Savage vs Shawn Michaels with Sherri in Savages corner. People slag off details of todays booking, but that just made so much sense and if it was done today, they'd have totally done it. Savage was sitting at the broadcast position, Shawn was wrestling Tatanka, they didn't want Tatanka to lose and wanted Shawn to keep the belt. Savage and Michaels would have been a blinder considering Savage could still tear it up and Shawn Michaels was Shawn Michaels. And you had the Sherri factor, which would have been an interesting spin on it.


Tatanka could have wrestled Papa Shango or some fucker. Sent him packing.

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Likewise. It may well be my favourite match of the year thus far (singles anyway). It's a massive shame that just about nobody will have seen it, which is why I thought i'd big it up in here. Both guys came out of it looking just tremendous. It went a long way to repairing the damage done to Ryback previously and recently. It's amazing how quickly or how something good can do that and erase the shit. It's convinced me Ryback can still recover yet.


Smackdown in general was great actually. Much different to the usual nothingness and recaps of Raw. Although it did have 'hold on a minute playas' Teddy Long making a tag team match. Plenty was advanced, I've enjoyed the development of The Shield - Team Hell No issue and i'm overjoyed The Shield seem to be going after the tag titles. They are so the guys to dethrone Team Hell No, all 3 hold the belts and go on a lengthy, dominant reign. Extreme Rules actually looks fucking stacked - Trips - Brock, Cena - Ryback, Triple Threat Ladder, Sheamus - Menry, Shield - Hell No, Orton - Show. I'm all over that.


So as mentioned I hope Shield take the belts and i'd like to see them have a lengthy reign. I'd love for them to have a feud with Del Rio and Ricardo down the line once Del Rio drops out the title picture. I think Del Rio and Ricardo chasing the tag belts together could be a fun story. And if Team Hell No end up going their separate ways soon i'd love to see Danny Bry inserted back into the World title picture against Dolph. Ready made story with the AJ and they have electric chemistry together. I'd actually enjoy a long story/series with them which culminates in D-Bry becoming World champ again and he and AJ reconciling and getting back together. I enjoyed their romance and reckon that could make another great story.

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Ha. I thought you might say something like that. It won't be the same! And anyway, as I mentioned this actually felt like a different, productive Smackdown driven towards Extreme Rules. And a beat down angle was done on Daniel Bryan by The Shield. Not expecting a Raw rematch.

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What I liked most is the way Bryan managed to look so dangerous in that match, relentlessly going at his leg. The Thesz Press reversal into the half crab was a great little moment. It's a shame Ryback stopped selling the leg by the end. Still a Match of the year candidate easily. Smackdown's been shockingly good for two weeks running, with intriguing matches and progression and stuff. The worse thing about it was world champ Ziggler being the one tapping out in a match that involved Zeb, Ricardo AND Swagger. Just gonna have to except that he's the new world US champ I guess. The segment with the Shield promo and the Bryan beat down was put together beautifully. Some menacing shit.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I liked the Bryan/Ryback match a whole bunch, but I wouldn't say it's one of the best matches in WWE this year -I'd definitely rate Kofi vs Cesaro from this week's Main Event above it, that was a fantastic match.

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The bloke from hearsay on the voice looks the spit of kurt angle. Hes performing on the voice.


Is that happening on The Voice, by any chance?

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In 1992, WWF should have just gave the main title to ole Hackjaw Jim Duggan! He was unbelievably over when you look back and was in a high-profile feud with big Yoko. He could have dropped it to Yoko, then Yoko could have dropped it to Bret Hart! Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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In 1992, WWF should have just gave the main title to ole Hackjaw Jim Duggan! He was unbelievably over when you look back and was in a high-profile feud with big Yoko. He could have dropped it to Yoko, then Yoko could have dropped it to Bret Hart! Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!


They should give him the World Heavyweight Championship now. I'd be tempted to watch it and it's not like it means diddly squat. Who wouldn't be curious about Duggan holding that belt?

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