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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It's a sad state of affairs that the fans are letting that be the grading criteria of the promotion.


It can also go the other way round as Slammiversary had the largest crowd (in 2012 and US to that date), they had their first international TV taping in the UK, signed overseas deals to air Impact, Hall of Fame with Sting, an Excellent Slammiversary PPV, the introduction of Open Fight Night, Gut Check and made a few new stars (notably Aries and Roode, 2012 was there year in TNA).


Regarding the Observer awards I found many of the awards to be the same of the opinions of daft internet fans (whilst I understand these will be the ones voting). The typical work-rate perverts who live in their mothers basement somewhere in Texas. Who often shit all over TNA and say "DA X-DIVISION SHOULD THE FOCUS OF THE SHOW. THEY SHOULD SIGN DAVEY RICHARDS". You know? Shit like that. That's one of the great things about the UKFF you've got fans who look at the products differently and rationally.


I don't even know where I'm going with this post.

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The only time I can remember the WWE 'getting it' in regards to the football shirt was Santino (Last year?)


He kept peeling off club shirts and getting booed until he got to the England shirt and the crowd cheered or something along those lines.

Just through luck though. It was that time that he came out I a Chelsea shirt and king went "oh santino, you can't wear a Chelsea shirt in London!"

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Just heard a wee rumour about a girl I work with and Del Rio. Will post an update when I confirm it. :devil:


The f'n durty.


It would seem so. :thumbsup:


Rumour confirmed?


And is she a high street honey?

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Just read something Scooter Keith said on his blog that WCW were contractually bound to never physically or verbally associate Bulldog and Anvil with Bret as part of some settlement on their release with the WWF. I never knew that, and the more I think about it, it's possibly true. They must have had absolutely no problem pissing the money away to agree something like that. What a rotten deal.

Edited by NEWM
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Just heard a wee rumour about a girl I work with and Del Rio. Will post an update when I confirm it. :devil:


The f'n durty.


It would seem so. :thumbsup:


Rumour confirmed?


And is she a high street honey?


She hangs around the VIP area of clubs. Seems Del Rio was sufficiently impressed, as she also met up with him in Cardiff.

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Just read something Scooter Keith said on his blog that WCW were contractually bound to never physically or verbally associate Bulldog and Anvil with Bret as part of some settlement on their release with the WWF. I never knew that, and the more I think about it, it's possibly true. They must have had absolutely no problem pissing the money away to agree something like that. What a rotten deal.

The three of them had a load of interaction, though. Bret either saved them or gave them a good hiding. I always just assumed it was because Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart weren't worthy of being paired with John Nord, let alone someone who they just signed for 3 million a year. They were like zombies in WCW. I know they weren't allowed to use the Hart Foundation name, though.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The three of them had a load of interaction, though. Bret either saved them or gave them a good hiding.


To elaborate on this if anybody is interested, Bret saved Davey/Anvil from getting beaten up by the nWo B team which was a heat-building tactic for the flat Hart/Hennig match at Uncensored '98 which subsequently segued into a perfectly dull Hennig/Bulldog run and IIRC some Hennig/Adams v Bulldog/Anvil tag matches.


Later in the year Bret (as a heel) helped Sting & Luger (Wolfpack babyfaces) beat Smithers & Neidhart on Nitro which the announcers acted shocked at and mentioned the family connection. This part of Bret's bizarre plan to convince Sting that he respected him. In true WcW fashion, nothing came of it until they finally kicked in the build for a match between the two, post Fall Brawl, during which time they managed to turn Bret face, then turn him back again.

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Bulldog vs Perfect was worse than dull... it was downright awful. They produced some absolute wank in the ring which was such a shame considering who they both were a few years prior. I remember Meltzer ripping the shit out of the matches at the time, and he was right.

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I just watched Survivors 2005 and here some thoughts/memories :


* MNM really were one of my favourite acts, just because they were "proper tag team" and had a gimmick and Melina to complete the picture. I sometimes forget how hot Melina was or at least I thought she was, and actually her match with Trish was pretty good. Once Johnny & Joey were ejected I assumed we would go straight home, but they actually built heat back up and had near falls and a decent finishing sequence. Maybe Melina would have had more success and longevity if she wasn't purportedly a complete cow backstage.


* The Boogeyman was fun, wasn't he? I thought he looked great and if kept away from lengthy matches could have been a fun midcard distraction for longer than he actually was around.


* The Cena/Angle match with Daivari as the ref was really good and a well-paced match with some logical structure. Really nice to see that while some of the fans still cheered Angle, the crowd was mostly pro-Cena up against a pair of dickhead heels who had Bischoff's full backing. The match was a perfect example of a palatable way for Cena to be the babyface champion who defies the odds through a tough battle, rather than some of his worst stuff over the last few years where he just seems to pop up and win with hardly any difficulty like The Hulkster used to do (except without Hogan's gravitas that appealed across all demographics). It's really frustrating when you see that Cena is perfectly capable of some wonderful matches with certain opponents and well-structured matches, and yet so often has matches where he makes the opponent look a bit "well, you're shit, who's next?" as he did to Ziggler all winter.


* The Raw vs SmackDown match, psychologically, was a mess. I mean, the way the match was set up with Bischoff being a knob suggested we should want SmackDown to win, but do we really want a team with pricks like Randy Orton and JBL to win? Shawn fucking Michaels is on the other side! During the match it was even worse - I kind of want the injured Batista to overcome his beating from Raw's monsters, and then I want Rey to come back from his beating, but while Rey's taking a pounding, Shawn is dead on the outside and I want him to get up. Then SmackDown eliminates two heels (YAY!) but that leaves Shawn all by himself! (OH NO!) I'm all for matches that create an atmosphere with the fans are encouraged to pick a side and it doesn't have to be crystal clear who are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys" but for me that was a little too confusing. I think on the night I wanted Raw to win because I thought Cole & Tazz were being knobs to the Raw team all match (I loved Joey Styles' initial silent defiance) but then changed my mind when it came down to Michaels v Orton because I was a massive mark for Randy at the time.


That is all.

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My local social centre is running a show on Friday. They have a fancy looking banner, but it has Doink the Clown on it.


Doink the Clown


Granted, its a easy gimmick to rip off, dress em like a clown, and you have Boink, or Dornk or Droik, but when you bread and butter is kids, why rip off a gimmick that was probably passe before most of your, ahem, talent, was born, let alone your audience?

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